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Q: How cold did it get in the Aquarius capsule of the Apollo 13 mission?
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Why is Aquarius cold?

Aquarius, an air element, faces situations and events with logic first and emotion second. This may appear as "cold" to other signs of the Zodiac, but it isn't. It's just the way air elements look at life.

Did Apollo 11 end the cold war?


What does Apollo 11mean?

The Apollo 11 space flight landed the first humans on Earth's Moon on July 20, 1969. The mission, carried out by the United States, is considered a major accomplishment in human exploration and represented a victory by the U.S. in the Cold War Space Race with the Soviet Union.

What resulted directly from the Cold War?

The launch of the Apollo program

Does a magic grow capsule open faster in hot water or cold?

Hot water

What was Apollo 17's mission?

Apollo 17's main mission was to explore the Taurus Littrow valley on the moon. The site was chosen after Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden noticed cinder cones in the region. Cinder cones are made of pyroclastic (volcanic) material. The reason Worden's discovery was so important is because the moon has been cold for most of its life. Volcanoes are very rare on moon. Most of the lunar craters are impact craters. Wordern's observations were confirmed when Harrrison Schmitt, the Apollo 17 lunar module pilot, found a patch orange soil on the rim of Shorty Crater. Orange soil is evidence of the volcanism that Worden saw from orbit.

What caused the Apollo 11 to go to the moon?

The Cold War and the Saturn-V booster did.

Were Apollo astronauts hot or cold on the moon?

The astronauts had carefully controlled temperatures in their suits. On the sunny side it was hot, on the shady side cold.

Why scientist continue to study the moon long after the Apollo program ended?

The Apollo missions had nothing to do with studying the moon, they were a cold war exercise to demonstrate who could throw the largest hydrogen bomb the farthest distance the most accurately without actually having to throw one. Only the final mission had a real trained geologist that had an idea what to look for. The small amount of lunar geology work done on the few Apollo missions that landed raised far more questions than it answered.

Why did astronauts get cold on apollo 13?

To conserve electrical power, most services were switched off to extend the module's strained resources, including the cabin heaters, after the Apollo 13 crisis.

On Mork and Mindy when Mork took a cold capsule and ended up in a parallel universe how long was he gone for?

He was gone for 3 days.