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It doesn't have to be cold. In fact hail forms best if it is fairly warm near the ground. No matter how warm it is at the ground, temperatures in the upper troposphere are very cold, though extactly how cold can vary. Hail forms in thunderstorms with strong updrafts. Such storms form best when the lower troposphere is warmer than normal while the upper troposphere is cooler than normal.

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8h ago

Hail forms during thunderstorms when updrafts carry raindrops into colder layers of the atmosphere, where they freeze into ice. Typically, hail forms when the temperatures are below freezing at higher altitudes, around 20,000 to 30,000 feet.

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Is a hail cannon cold?

yes a hail cannon is cold

Is hail cold or hot?

Hail is typically cold because it forms in cold thunderstorm clouds where temperatures at high altitudes are below freezing. As hail falls to the ground, it may retain its cold temperature even if it melts slightly on the way down.

Is hail hot while falling?

No. Hail is ice; it is cold.

Why is hail so cold?

Hail is cold because it is ice. More specifically, hail originates very high in the atmosphere, where it is always very cold. When a hailstone is large enough it falls back to the ground fast enough that it does not have time to warm back up.

What type of climate does hail form in?


Where can you find hail in the US?

somewhere cold

Can a blizzard produce hail?

No. Hail is a product of severe thunderstorms. Conditions during a blizzard are too cold to support the convection needed for hail.

Why does it become very cold after a hailstrom?

because ice is cold and hail is ice

What is the connotation of hail?

something cold and wet and painful

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Why does hail not fall through every thunderstorm?

sometimes it isn't cold enough for the hail to fall in it's ice form.

What steps in order does it take to make hail?

Hail is formed within cumulonimbus clouds during thunderstorms when updrafts carry raindrops into extremely cold regions of the atmosphere. The raindrops freeze into ice as they are lifted higher into the cloud. This process continues as the ice particles collide with supercooled water droplets, growing larger and heavier until finally falling to the ground as hailstones once they become too heavy for the updrafts to support.