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Q: How colonialism contribute to creation of an unequal world?
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What are 4 countries of the world that are currently experiencing neo-colonialism?

Four countries that are often cited as experiencing neo-colonialism are: Democratic Republic of Congo: Due to its vast natural resources such as diamonds and minerals, the DRC has been subject to exploitation and interference by foreign powers, leading to economic and political instability. Mali: The presence of foreign military forces, economic dominance by multinational corporations, and unequal trade relations contribute to neo-colonial dynamics in Mali. Haiti: Political interference, economic inequality, and the influence of foreign aid and NGOs have been described as neo-colonial forces in Haiti. Nigeria: The extraction of oil by foreign companies and unequal global trade relations are seen as forms of neo-colonialism in Nigeria, leading to socio-economic disparities and political challenges.

What major world event helped to bring about the end of colonialism?

World War II brought the end of colonialism.

How does The Battle of Algiers relate to colonialism?

The battle was a result of colonialism. Although the era of colonialism was ending around the world, it was not ending in Algeria which revolted against French rule.

What are 4 world powers that have created the neo-colonialism?

4 world powers that have created neo-colonialism are the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany.

Why is colonialism important to world history?

it is important because it is in world history

Is it anyone fault that the world is an unequal place?

The world is an unequal place not because of any one person\'s fault, but because of the lack of a collective conscience that sees everybody as equal. In short, it is everybody\'s fault that the world is an unequal place.

In Buddhism was there a spiritual creation of the world or only a physical creation of the world?

In Buddhism there is both a spiritual creation and a physical creation of the world depending on which of the three creation theories the Buddhist believes.

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The world no. Creation... maybe.

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What was incompatible politically and economically after world war 2?

Colonialism and Communism

Which was a major result of World War 2?

european colonialism in many areas of the world delined

Was china colonised and by whom?

In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Chinese foreign relations with most major world powers devolved into semi-colonialism as Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, and (to a lesser extent) the US coerced trade and territorial concessions in a series of so-called unequal treaties.