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It is USUALLY spread in hospitals because healthcare professionals are not washing their hands or stethoscopes between patients. However keep in mind that MRSA is a naturally occurring bacteria and can be found in many environments.

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Q: How come most don't catch MRSA?
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mrsa is the most unknown and deadly disease

Will Neosporin Ointment kill MRSA bacteria?

I had a slight mrsa infection over the summer and for the most part, neosporin did help clear it up.

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Why is MRSA rsistant to antibiotics?

Overtime, MRSA has evolved and developed the ability to destroy certain antibiotics antibacterial activity before they kill the MRSA. However, there are still antibiotics that can still be effective against MRSA, these antibiotics include:ClindamycinDaptomycinDoxycyclineLinezolid (Zyvox)MinocyclineTetracyclineTrimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Bactrim DS, Septra, Septra DS)Vancomycin (Vancocin, Vancoled)

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What is the most effective treatment for MRSA?

The best treatment for MRSA would be to bring her to the hospital. It is a disease that can easy spread so anti-biotics would be needed from a doctor.

What is colonized by MRSA?

Most probably answer to your question would include next: Colonized by MRSA means that particular person has this germ in or on a body site,but has no clinical symptoms of MRSA. It is possible that same person is a temporary or longer term carrier of this type of disease.

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Is MRSA something you will have for the rest of your life?

MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection can be very serious because the bacterium has the ability to adapt to most antibiotics. But, MRSA infection is treatable. After diagnosis process have finished, doctor will know what types of antibiotics are best to fight against MRSA. Answer on your question is No.

Can you have MRSA an not know it?

It is possible, but as it progresses it will turn painful and you will most likely notice it.