

How come the Nobel prize was invented?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Alfred B Nobel the inventor of dynamite was a bachelor , so when he died he put all his money in atrust , and the prizes are given from the intrest on the money invested.

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Q: How come the Nobel prize was invented?
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Why was the Nobel Prize invented?

Alfred invented the nobel prize to honour the people for their good things

Who invented the Nobel prize?

The man who invented the Nobel Prize was Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden on 21 October 1833. The man who invented the Nobel Prize was Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden on 21 October 1833.

What did Alfred B Nobel invent?

He invented the Nobel Prize.

The nobel prize was named for the man who invented?

Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.

Which country invented dynamites?

Alfred Nobel who was from Sweden, invented dynamite, hence the "Nobel Prize"

When was the Nobel Prize invented in?

It was invested on 1895

What did Peace Prize founder Alfred Nobel invent?

Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Peace Prize, invented dynamite.

Who was the famous chemist that invented dynamite?

Alfred Nobel was the chemist and the award was The Nobel Prize

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After he invented penicilin

Who introduced mobile pease prize?

Well, it is the Nobel Peace Prize. It was invented by a man named Alfred Nobel, who, ironically, created dynamite.

What do the Nobel Prizes recognize?

The Nobel Prizes recognize people who discovered or invented a remarkable device (ex. an unknown element). Their prize would be one million dollars. *Fun fact, the Nobel Prize was started by, you guessed it, Mr. Nobel. He was inspired to start Nobel Prizes when he invented *BOOM* dynamite.

Why did the Nobel Peace Prize start?

Alfred Nobel invented dynamite and was concerned about its consequences and therefore he initiated the peace prize to enhance the prospects for peace for the world.