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Because food spoils faster in warmer weather.

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Q: How come there are more cases of food poisoning in summer?
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Related questions

What are the demographics of salmonella food poisoning?

Salmonella food poisoning occurs most frequently reported in North America and Europe.1% of cases are actually reported.In the United States, Salmonella is responsible for about 15% of all cases of food poisoning.

What are most cases of food poisoning caused by?

I think it's vegetables and fruits.

What is the prognosis for salmonella food poisoning?

The prognosis for uncomplicated cases of Salmonella food poisoning is excellent. Most people recover completely within a week's time. In cases where other medical problems complicate the illness, prognosis depends on the other medical conditions.

Can you get food poisoning twice?

Definitely. The only reason you don't get a sickness twice is because your body has produced antibodies to attack the viruses before they spread. Food poisoning can come from anything that has happened to the food, so there are many different types of food poisoning. There are also many different types of food that you can get food poisoning from.

Should you go to the hospital for food poisoning?

In some cases, yes you should. Depeneds how bad it is.

How does food poisoning attack and spread?

Food poisoning is most commonly spread from food that contains unhealthy bacteria to humans who come into contact with that food. If the bacteria is not killed by cleaning supplies or proper storage, it can work its way into the system of anyone who unknowingly ingests it. Widespread food poisoning cases most often occur when a large batch of food is contaminated with a virus or bacteria and served to a person or persons. Those infected with food poisoning can spread it to others through their fecal remnants. This can be prevented by diligently washing one's hands, avoiding physical contact with others and seeking treatment from a Doctor Who may be able to prescribe.

Which foods contain food poisoning?

Food poisoning is either in foods that are not cooked properly, overdue, or rotten. Well, of course if it's poisoned then it obviously has poisoning as well.

Food poisoning is caused when?

Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating contaminated ,spoiled or toxic food .More than 250 bacteria and viruses are known to cause food poisoning. To avoid this , we should follow the proper steps for making food.

Where does food poisoning hide?

In the food you eat, if it smells it has food poisoning in it

Why do skunks come out in the summer time?

The same reason we come out in the summer time. It is nice out and they can find more food.

What is the shape of Food Poisoning?

The shape of food poisoning? depends I suppose on what bacteria caused the food poisoning in the first place.

How can food poisoning bacteria be destroyed in food?

By doing proper hygiene and food safety guidelines. With proper hygiene, you can eliminate the possibility of contaminating things around you especially your food. There are already food safety guidelines: Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill.