

How come you can light a fart?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Because it is Methane which is flammable.

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Q: How come you can light a fart?
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Yes it is pretty obvious

What the heck is a fart?

from the Longman Advanced American Dictionary: fart - (impolite) (verb) to make air come out of one's bowels fart - (impolite) (noun) the act of making air come out ot one's bowels

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because a gas is coming out and when you fart sitting on your but it cant really come out so that is why we lean:)

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Take a fart and light it on a pile of wood then eat a cat.

What gases come out of the mouth and anus?

Fart Gas

When you fart do fairies come out?

Ohh Yes! :D

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Fart and the cheese will come to you

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Is fart nasty?

Farts aren't gross. They are a good way of being funny. They are very funny. There are kids every where that make fart noises. This is where the fart app, whoopy cushion, and the arm pit fart all come in.

Why is some fart silent?

Because the gas does not come out properly