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You could see it last year. Betelgeuse is one of the brightest stars in the sky, and has been for a long time.

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Q: How come you can see Betelgeuse now and its still a red giant why could you not see it last year this time?
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What planet is bigger then Betelgeuse?

No planet could ever come close to the size of Betelgeuse.

Why is Rigel hotter than Betelgeuse?

Quite simply because Rigel is still on the main sequence whereas Betelgeuse has come off the main sequence and is only fusing helium in it's core, whereas Rigel is still fusing hydrogen in it's core. This is the reason for the difference in temperature.

Could Betelgeuse already blown up?

It's possible, yes. Betelgeuse is a red giant star that is going through the last stages of life, as viewed from earth. The light from the star takes several hundred years to reach us though, so it's possible that the star has already come to the end of it's life in that time. When it comes to the end of it's life it will explode in a supernova explosion. We should be able to see this from earth, the explosion would be so bright that we could see it during the day.

What happens if you say betelgeuse 3 times?

Nothing in real life. But in the movie Betelgeuse will come and visit you and do something. He will come to your house and when you sleep he will stare at you and scare you all night it's true I tried it and almost pooped my pants.

How do you die from a supernova?

If a supernova were to explode nearby, then life on Earth might be impacted by the increased amount of radiation that would strike our planet, especially X-rays and cosmic rays. Fortunately for us, there are no nearby stars which are good candidates to be come supernovas. The closest is the red giant star Betelgeuse, in Orion, at about 800 light years away. When Betelgeuse explodes, it may shine as brightly as the full Moon!

What is the life span of Betelgeuse?

Betelgeuse is only about 10 million years old - and is close to death already. It has already exhibited, an expansion and contraction of it's outer shell, which is a sure sign, that it will soon (astronomically) come to a final end as a supernova.

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Giant pandas are found naturally only in China.

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The smell is not dangerous - however, if there is still a smell, there could still be urine, which could cause diseases and infections if you come in contact with it.

What year does escaping the giant wave come out?

Escaping the giant wave came out as a book in 2003. It is being made into a movie, and is expected to come out sometime in february.