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Q: How conditions are made suitable for named enzyme in the stomach?
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What is part of an enzyme's usual derived from?

Usually an enzyme is named after it's function.

What is part is an enzyme's name usually derived from?

Usually an enzyme is named after it's function.

How is enzyme named?

By Naming how would with anything else.

Which abdominal region is named for its location under the stomach?

The hypogastric region is named for its location under the stomach.

Give a named example of a biological catalyst?

any kind of enzyme

What is the Pepsi's stock abbreviation?

Pepsi - named from the digestive enzyme pepsin.

What is part of an enzymes name usually derive from?

Enzymes speed up chemical reactions that take place in cells. They are usually named from the reaction that they catalyze.

What is hole in lining of stomach?

A hole that develops in the lining of the stomach is called an ulcer. There are several types, named for their location and the depth of the ulcer.

Where is the substrate that binds to an enzyme?

A substrate molecule needs to interact with the enzyme's active center (known as "active site") for the enzyme mediated catalytic conversion of substrate into product. Some times, this could or may bind to a second site of an enzyme named, "allosteric site" that would not form the product.

Can lemon acid burn a hole in your stomach?

No, it can't. This is because lemon acid is scientifically named 'citric acid' and stomach acid is likewise named 'hydrochloric acid'. Your stomach lining protects your stomach wall from the corrosive effects of hydrochloric acid, so citric acid will have no effect as it is weaker. However, it may give you heartburn!

Why is the phonograph named phonograph?

Because phono means informal which means a suitable speech and/or writing.

What enzyme catalyzes the digestion of starch?

Lactase catalyzes the breakdown of lactose. It would probably not catalyze the breakdown of starch because enzymes are SPECIFIC and are typically named for the substrate that it acts on. Amylase is the enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of starch. (Named so because in plants, starch is stored in the amyloplasts)