

Why human cell burst?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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8y ago

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If you put a cell in a hypotonic environment, such as a blood cell in water, it will swell up due to osmosis and lyse.

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"Viruses replicate inside the cell and then burst out of the cell." Hope this helps. Got this from Apex.

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An animal cell that is surrounded by fresh water will burst because the osmosis pressure causes?

An animal cell that is surrounded by fresh water will burst because the osmotic pressure causesAn animal cell that is surrounded by fresh water will burst because the osmosis pressure causes the cytoplasm is hypertonic where it will absorb water hence swells leading it to burst.

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What is it called when animal cells burst?

When animal cells burst it's called lysis.

Why will the cell not burst?

animal cells do no burst because the semi permiable membrane lets little water in so the cell does not become turgid.

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What do cell wall do for a cell?

maintain the cell shape and prevent the cell from burst when the surrounding environment is hypotonic

Ways osmosis can affect a cell?

If water moves into a cell it becomes turgid and if an animal cell can burst. Plant cell will not burst due to cell wall. If water moves out of the cell it is known as flaccid and the cell membrane will contract make the cell smaller, again if its an animal cell.

Which type of cell may burst if it becomes hypotonic?

Animal cells will burst (lyse) first in a hypotonic solution because they lack a cell wall.