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Since everybody who asks this question seems to get the same answer, and because I honestly cannot explain it anymore better, I'll just post this:

When horizontal flowing air encounters a mountain, it is forced upward by the mountain slope. It cools as it expands due to the lower air pressure at altitude. Sometimes it cools enough that it can no longer hold the water vapor it contains. The vapor, then, condenses to form clouds, and if enough is present, precipitation.

The essential processes are the physical deflection of the air to higher altitudes and the reduction in air pressure which causes cooling.

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Q: How could a forest grow in a mountain surrounded by a desert?
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How could a forest grow on mountain that is surrounded by a desert?

Mountains have a higher elevation than a desert and are able to receive considerably more precipitation than the lowlands surrounding them. Therefore, the mountain can support greater vegetation.

How could a forest grow on a mountain that is surrounded by a desert?

When horizontal flowing air encounters a mountain, it is forced upward by the mountain slope. It cools as it expands due to the lower air pressure at altitude. Sometimes it cools enough that it can no longer hold the water vapor it contains. The vapor, then, condenses to form clouds, and if enough is present, precipitation.The essential processes are the physical deflection of the air to higher altitudes and the reduction in air pressure which causes cooling.

How did being surrounded by desert benefit Egypt?

Being surrounded by deserts benefited Egypt in that no one could not conquer or attack them.

What type of desert is the UAE?

Predominantly a sandy desert although there are portions which could be classified as "rocky desert", but probably less than 5%Clarification:It is surrounded by a hot desert.

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A desert, mountain range, or a jungle could be. : )

How long did it take Mount ST Helen to recover?

Mount St. Helens is still in the process of recovery since its eruption in 1980. The ecosystem has been gradually regenerating with new vegetation and wildlife returning to the area. It can take hundreds to thousands of years for the ecosystem to fully recover from such a major volcanic event.

What needs more water a rain forest plant or a desert plant?

you have answered your own question, a rain forest plant could not survive in the desert due to lack of water

How could a forest grow on a mountain that is surrounded by desert?

The first answer posted above is close, but not quite correct. When horizontal flowing air encounters a mountain, it is forced upward by the mountain slope. It cools as it expands due to the lower air pressure at altitude. Sometimes it cools enough that it can no longer hold the water vapor it contains. The vapor, then, condenses to form clouds, and if enough is present, precipitation. The essential processes are the physical deflection of the air to higher altitudes and the reduction in air pressure which causes cooling.

Could desert pavement be found in a forest?

Desert pavement would not occur in a forest as the roots of plants help stabilize the soil preventing the erosion that causes desert pavement..Desert pavement would not occur in a forest as the roots of plants help stabilize the soil preventing the erosion that causes desert pavement.

How could a leaf fossil be in a dry bare desert area?

a leaf fossil can be found in a dry desert because, at one time, the desert might have been a forest or a jungle.

Could a robin from a forest ecosystem live in a desert ecosystem?

no a robin cold not live in a desert ecosysem because you cant change up ecocystems

What is the opposite of forest?

A jungle is one of many different types of habitat/landscape.... and all others are equally valid as 'opposites' for it..... prairie, coastal plain, desert.... they all have something which a jungle does not.