

Best Answer
  • Yes, a lesbian couple could get pregnant. The easiest way is by artificial insemination, which is when a doctor, or the couple, would inject semen into one of the women's wombs and wait for it to fertilize the eggs. It's also possible, although more expensive, to use a surrogate mother, which is someone who is paid to be injected with one of the women's fertilized eggs and would carry the baby for them.
  • Lesbians can get pregnant the same way single women and couples who can't get pregnant does - artificial insemination. Some have a friend donate sperm and do it themselves using a tube since artificial insemination cost a lot of money. Often they share parenting with another gay couple so the children have parents of both sex.
  • Choose a close friend whom you'd like to be the father and insert his sperm sample when you are ovulating. If you're doing this at home instead of paying a ton of money for a doctor to do it, you'll want to invest in the home test kits which will tell you when to do the deed- when you're most likely ovulating. These tests have gotten pretty accurate. Once you've figured out that the time is right, you want to inseminate yourself as many times as possible during your fertile days to ensure success. But don't be disappointed if it doesn't take, nature is tricky sometimes. Keep on keeping on.
  • Science has recently found that by joining the DNA of two eggs in one egg and then placing the egg back into one of the females, that female can become pregnant. This cannot occur through regular sexual activities though. It must be done at a some sort of fertility clinic and does not happen by accident.
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Q: How could a lesbian couple go about getting pregnant?
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If they have sex with a man or go through in vitro fertilization, yes.

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Gay women can get pregnant. To be pregnant you need the egg and the sperm, so homosexual sex won't do the trick. But if a lesbian has heterosexual intercourse or artificial insemination, or a gay man had sex with a woman (straight or lesbian), pregnancy could occur.

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This is an indicator that you are a homophobe or a bigot. Simple counselling could help.

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