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Q: How could have classification been stopped in the holocaust?
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What did the Jewish Embassy do to stop the Holocaust?

The state of Israel did not exist at the time: there was no Jewish country then and therefore no Jewish Embassy. Even if there had been, it is most unlikely that they could have stopped the Holocaust.

Do you think the fascist nations of the axis powers could have been stopped?

Fascist nations of Axis Powers could have been stopped by Western democracies

What could have been done to stop the Holocaust?

Please see the related questions.

What happened to the bodies after the deaths in the holocaust?

The bodies could have been buried or burnt.

What fascist nations of the Axis Powers could have been Stopped?


How many clowns died during the Holocaust?

I don't really think that question can be answered, because nobody counted how many of a certain profession died in the holocaust, that's like saying "How many Doctors died during the holocaust?", there isn't really an answer to the question but it could of been many due to the fact that many adults died during the holocaust and some of them could of been clowns...

Did other genocides occur after the holocaust?

Yes, there have been multiple genocides after the Holocaust.

When did the Australian Holocaust happen?

There has been no Australian holocaust.

Could a Holocaust happen today?

The Holocaust could in fact happen again. Actually, Joseph Stalin caused a "Holocaust" which he called Ethnic Cleansing. Of couse nowadays we have Holocaust rememberence day during which we try to prevent any future Holocaust.Yes it could. If what happened in Rwanda could happen in our enlightened times anything is possible. There was also Bosnia and the killing fields of Cambodia. Sadly, yes it could.

What situation to was a major contributor to the Holocaust?

World War Two was a major contributor to the Holocaust. Under the shadow of war, many things could be done, many laws could be passed that would not have been allowed during a time of peace.

Could the attack on pearl harbor been stopped?

I do not think so because the Japense were cunning they had spent a year planning the attack and they were on their way. If we had known about it perhaps it could hacve been stopped or prevented. It was a dangerous thing though since it was WWII.