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If you are drinking underage you deserve a lesson and you are not going to talk your mom out of it no matter what you do..

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Q: How could i become become ungrounded i drank too much this weekend with my friend and my mum grounded me because i was in such a state is there anything i could do to become ungrounded?
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How do you convince your parents to let you have a sleepover when im grounded. im grounded but tomorrows a long weekend and im ungrounded for weekends what do i do?

When you are grounded and you want your parents to change their mind there are some things you can do to win their favor. Start by doing what you have been told to do right away and with a great attitude, donÕt try to bend any rules while being grounded and lastly ask, and if the answer is no keep a great attitude and say you understand, they may surprise you and change their mind.

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How do you write i don't have anything to do this weekend or i don't have something to do this weekend?

You would write "I don't have anything to do this weekend" to express that you do not have plans or activities scheduled. This phrase emphasizes the lack of specific plans or tasks for the upcoming weekend.

How do you have fun on a weekend?

Do anything you want to.

Can a parent be arrested if they dont let their kid leave the house?

If they never let them go outside and keeps them like a prisoner inside, never let them go to school etc then yes. If you mean because you are grounded over the weekend, then no.

Will you ever get school on the weekend?

no because you cant go to school on weekend because you need a rest from your learning and teachers

Is weekend a noun?

Yes. A noun is a person, place, thing, or -newly added- idea. Weekend would be considered either a thing or idea. Another way to look at it is that it can't be used as an action or a way of describing anything so it is most likely going to be a noun. It is not a pronoun because it is somewhat specific. Pronouns are-or similar to- it, they, them, and other general words. Hope this helped! :)

How many pets die because of experiments?

180,000,000 per weekend 180,000,000 per weekend

Is Louis Tomilnson into Vampire Weekend?

Yes. Louis is into it because Vampire Weekend is his favourite band.

Why is there a charge for weekend calls?

Because they can get away with it.

Is Sunday part of the weekend?

Yes, It Should Be Part Of The Weekend Because Families Will Get To Spend More Time Together!