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cross breed them

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Q: How could people use the genetic variation in wild roses to create roses that produce large flowers?
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Why is variation essential for evolution?

For one, without genetic variation, a species is more likely to face significant danger from disease. In humans there are some diseases that affect a few races more than others, but because of genetic variations, our species as a whole is more likely to adapt to new diseases and survive rather than if everybody had the same predisposition toward a disease.

How does genetic variation create new species over time?

New species evolve from a previous existing species. As challenges arrive in the environment of the old species over many many generations body features are lost and/or gained. Eventually the old species will either eventually die out or change habitats. So basic evolution.

What is the main goal of cellular reproduction?

The purpose of cellular mitosis is for the growth of an organism. It produces two cells with identical genetic information, and replaces damaged or dead cells.

What is being carried by a genetic carrier?

A genetic carrier has a dominant and a recessive version of an allele. Normally, the term genetic carrier is used in relation to genetic illnesses where two copies of the recessive allele cause that illness. Therefore, a carrier does not have the illness themself (as the dominant, non-disease allele is expressed over the recessive allele). However, they have the ability to create an offspring who has the double recessive genotype and therefore has the condition if they mate with another carrier or someone who is double recessive (who has the disease).

Can a lemon power a light bulb?

it depends on the amount of acid in the lemon and lemon does not create make it conducts electricity

Related questions

How does meiosis create variation?

Meiosis creates genetic variation through the production of 4 haploid daughter cells, each with random genetic combinations. Meiosis also creates genetic variation through the process called crossing over, where chromosome segments are exchanged.

How can genes be altered and combined to create genetic variation within a species?

Through different types of mutations.ChromosomalinsertiondeletiontranslocationinversionGenesubstitutioninsertiondeletion

How do flowers create air?

Flowers dont create air; plants are able to produce (or recycle - whichever way you look at it), Oxygen from water and carbon dioxide through the process of photosysnthesis.

What can mutations be a source of?

Mutations create changes in the genetic code. There are different types of mutations and vary in degree of harm or even benefit to the organism. If the mutation happens to be beneficial to the organism, then it can be passed down to its offspring and thus this leads to genetic variation in the population.

What is the function of a male flower?

To produce pollen to fertilize female flowers and create fruit or seeds.

What causes variation within species?

Variation within species can be caused by genetic mutations, environmental factors, and interactions between genes and the environment. Genetic mutations are changes in the DNA sequence that can create new traits. Environmental factors, such as diet and climate, can also influence variation by selecting for certain traits over others.

What type of cell division is characterized by genetic recombination of daughter cells?

Meiosis is the process through which a cell divides into four haploid daughter cells. It utilizes random assortment, crossing over, and Random fertilization to create genetic variation.

How does a sexual life cycle increase genetic variation?

A sexual life cycle increases genetic variation through the processes of meiosis and genetic recombination. Meiosis produces genetically diverse gametes through the shuffling and assortment of genetic material, while genetic recombination during fertilization combines genetic material from two individuals to create offspring with unique combinations of traits.

What is produced by the end of the?

Gametes, haploid cells. They have half of the genetic material in the original cell. They're genetically different due to cross over and independent assortment - to create variation.

What is produced the end of meiosis?

Gametes, haploid cells. They have half of the genetic material in the original cell. They're genetically different due to cross over and independent assortment - to create variation.

Why is fertilization a necessary part of sexual reproduction?

It would be nice to find out so anyone please hurry up. God!!!!!!!!!!!! I need this answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all don't be gettin smart or nobody goin to find it bets to believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without the occurrence of reduction in the number of chromosomes, this would consistently produce offspring with physical and developmental abnormalities. Also, meiosis provides for genetic variation among offspring.

What effects can mutations have on a virus?

They create genetic variations.