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Q: How could the federal government put in millions to work during the depression apex?
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How did the government put millions to work during the depression?

By the public works (such as the Hoover Dam and bringing electricity to rural America) that were initiated under the New Deal.

The number of civilian employees in the federal government increased or decreased during the Great Depression?

The number of civilian employees in the Federal government increased greatly during the Great Depression. This helped to improve the population's access to government help.

When did the federal government become directly involved in re-distributional politics?

During the great depression

What level of government did the people expect to cure the economic ills during the depression?

Federal. Good luck!

Who paid for the Hoover Dam?

It was financed by the Federal Government as a public works project during the Great Depression.

How did the government try to help farmers during the great depression?

the government did not pay farmers for anything

Which term refers to the government spending more money then they took in during the great depression?

U.S Federal Deficit

Why did federal government create work programs during the depression?

surenos rifando southside 13 big one three

Before the state and Federal government provided assistance who was providing relief to Americans during the great depression?

local charities

What statement best describes how federalism changed as a result of the Great Depression?

state government came to depend on federal money to help them financially during a crisis (apex )

Why is federalism used in America?

Federalism is established in the constitution, but the federal government's power and responsibilities increased greatly after the Civil War, and during the Great Depression.

What did the Australian government do to help the unemployed during the Great Depression?

The government set up camps during the Great Depression to help the unemployed.