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The force of gravity depends directly upon the masses of the two objects, and inversely on the square of the distance between them

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Pholoso Tjaba

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11mo ago
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3mo ago

An increase in the gravitational field can happen if there is a higher concentration of mass in the vicinity, as gravity is directly proportional to mass. This could occur due to the presence of large celestial bodies nearby or an accumulation of mass in a specific area.

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Q: How could there be an increase in the gravitation field?
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How do you make an electromagnet field stronger?

To make an electromagnet field stronger, you can increase the number of coils in the wire wrapping around the core, increase the current flowing through the wire, or use a core material with higher magnetic permeability. These methods will help increase the magnetic field strength of the electromagnet.

What are two ways to increase the magnetic field of a solenoid?

To increase the magnetic field of a solenoid, you can increase the number of turns of wire in the coil or increase the current flowing through the coil. Both of these methods will strengthen the magnetic field generated by the solenoid.

How can increase strength of magnetic field?

To increase the strength of a magnetic field, you can use a stronger magnet or increase the current flowing through a wire in an electromagnet. You can also increase the number of coils in an electromagnet to enhance its magnetic field strength. Additionally, bringing magnetic materials closer to the magnet can also increase the overall magnetic field strength.

How do you increase the force exerted on a current carrying coil placed in a magnetic field?

To increase the force exerted on a current-carrying coil placed in a magnetic field, you can increase the current flowing through the coil, increase the strength of the magnetic field, or increase the number of turns in the coil. These factors will all contribute to increasing the force experienced by the coil in the magnetic field.

What would you do to change the direction and increase the strength of the field?

To change the direction of the magnetic field, you can reverse the direction of the current flow in a wire or change the orientation of the magnet. To increase the strength of the magnetic field, you can increase the current flow in a wire, increase the number of coils in a solenoid, or use a stronger magnet.

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First one is artificial where as the latter is natural We could increase or decrease the strength of magnetic field but we cannot vary earth's Intense field could be produced but earth's field is feeble in comparison with artificial

Forces that act at a distance?

Those include electrical forces, magnetic forces, and gravitation.

Why can the sun exerts its gravitation on all of the planet?

Because the planets are close enough to the sun to be affected by its gravitational field.

How do you make an electromagnet field stronger?

To make an electromagnet field stronger, you can increase the number of coils in the wire wrapping around the core, increase the current flowing through the wire, or use a core material with higher magnetic permeability. These methods will help increase the magnetic field strength of the electromagnet.

Why do space object hit earth?

Because, either we happen to be in it's way, or the object is pulled in by Earths gravitation field.

What are two ways to increase the magnetic field of a solenoid?

To increase the magnetic field of a solenoid, you can increase the number of turns of wire in the coil or increase the current flowing through the coil. Both of these methods will strengthen the magnetic field generated by the solenoid.

How can increase strength of magnetic field?

To increase the strength of a magnetic field, you can use a stronger magnet or increase the current flowing through a wire in an electromagnet. You can also increase the number of coils in an electromagnet to enhance its magnetic field strength. Additionally, bringing magnetic materials closer to the magnet can also increase the overall magnetic field strength.