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Q: How could world wide increase in temperature affect organism?
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Explain how a global temperature increase could affect plants?

A small increase in temperature may help some plants, but will be damaging to others. A large increase in temperature will kill most plants.

Could a significant increase in sea organism population cause an increase in ocean level?

Not by much

What could you do to the temperature of the solvent to increase the solubility of a gas solute?

Solubilty of gases increase at lower temperature.

How could the temperature of the water increase?

By heating it, Einstein.

Could the temperature of a material increases the average of its particles also increase?

Yes, when the temperature of a material increases, the average kinetic energy of its particles also increases. This increase in kinetic energy leads to the particles moving faster and having more collisions, which results in a rise in temperature.

How could you make a solute more soluble?

You can increase the solubility of a solute by heating the solvent, stirring the solution, decreasing the particle size of the solute, or increasing the surface area of the solute. Additionally, you can also change the polarity of the solvent to match that of the solute for better solubility.

How is life possible at high temperature?

Life on earth is widely related to the evolution theory. May be a living organism adapt itself to a high temperature which could kill another living organism. But this process of adaptation may last for thousands of centuries. On the other hand, a living organism may adapt itself to a very low temperature, which could kill another living organism that is not adapted to extremely low temperature as well.

What could cause water to evaporate more quickly?

An increase of the temperature increase the the speed of evaporation.

How can air pollution affect organisms on a seashore?

It affects how the organism breathes and soon the organism could die because it cant breathe that well.

Three factors that affect the temperature?

Amount of sun, amount of clouds and amount of moisture in the air are 3 examples of things that could affect temperature.

You can increase the pressure of gas by doing what?

You could decrease the volume available to the gas or by increasing the kinetic energy of the particles. Although, after initial increase in temperature, the gas loses its ability to expand on increase in temperature.

Is water temperature could affect the reaction of table salt?
