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Q: How could you break the long chain of glucose molecules into individual units?
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What are the components of starch?

It is made up a chain of glucose molecules.

Is glucose a complex carbohydrate?

because it is a connected chain of sugar molecules

Why is glucose a complex carbohydrate?

because it is a connected chain of sugar molecules

What molecules supply electrons to an electron transport chain?

Glucose. Glucose is oxidized and oxygen is reduced here.

Why shape formed when beta glucose molecules join in a single chain is different from that formed when alpha glucose molecules join in a single chain?

Because beta is mo beta than alpha, you feel me?

Why the shape formed when beta glucose molecules join in a single chain is different from that formed when alpha glucose molecules join in a single chain?

Because beta is mo beta than alpha, you feel me?

Is it true that cellulose is composed of beta glucose molecules and starch is composed of a chain of alpha glucose molecule?


The electron transport chain can produce up to ATP molecules of glulse?

34 ATP molecules per molecule of glucose.

High energy electrons that move down the electron transport chain ultimately provide the energy needed to?

of course it is break glucose into pyruvic acid.

What do digestive enzymes split starch into?

Starch is a polysaccharide made up of a chain of sugar molecules. Digestive enzymes split starch into glucose molecules by breaking up links of the chain.

Why do glycogen starch and cellulose have different functions?

starch: made up of a long chain of glucose molecules bonded together by an alpha 1,4 bond. (carbon 1 of one glucose is bonded to carbon 4 of another glucose) Cellulose: made up of a long chain of glucose molecules bonded together by a beta 1,4 bond. (carbon 1 of one glucose is bonded to carbon 4 of another glucose) glycogen: made up of a long chain of glucose bonded together by an alpha 1,4 bond. However, the glycogen chain of glucoses is a branched chain- it is not one straight chain, it branches out starch is stored as glucose in plants glycogen is stored as glucose in animals cellulose is used as the cell wall of plants

Do glucose make up carbohydrates?

Glucose is a carbohydrate it's a form of sugar molecule, while starch is a chain of glucose