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Get a part time job, sell your stuff, or if you want to fail miserably do like most and get a loan.

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Q: How could you get some money to get started with your career?
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How do you get started on a career.?

Try video taping/recording your talent and put it on facebook that's how some people got started! Try it out it could work for you but it doesnt happen for everyone!

What are good things to do to raise money?

You could do a colouring competition.....or sell some of your un-wanted is to get u think of some yourself! :)

Why you choose this career?

People choose their careers for different reasons. Some choose their career for money while others have a passion for what they are doing.

How do you get started with a singing career?

The best way to get started with a singing career is to do some basic research in order to help you learn more about signing and more specifically, what type of genre(s) you may want to focus on.

How did your photo career get started?

Some people start their photography career very early in life but some people discover photography later in life, starting as a hobby and then going professional.

Why do people set business up?

The reason I started my own business was that I didn't like someone else to make orders on me and I wanted to be my own boss. Also I wanted a high standard for living and to make money and have a job or career in life.

How to get rich with stocks?

I would recommend reading some books and learning about zone to zone trading. With a little bit of money, you could get started with trading in options. I put a link in my bio where you can learn how to earn some money with less effort.

Why do you must have the career?

Career means involving ourselves with some productive work which has long life and by which we increase our knowledge and earn money and reputation in the society. So as i said to have name, to earn money and to get knowledge we need career. Career may be anything it doesnt only mean going to office daily.

Who were some personal influences of Elvis Presley?

As Elvis Presley had come from a very poor family. He had asked his father to give him cycle for christmas. the poor father said, I don not have money for a cycle, but I have enough money for a guitar and so his career as a singer started.

Who taught drake how to rap?

I think Drake taught himself how to rap cause he was putting out mixtapes during his degrassi career. Maybe he started writing by self but once he got more money he probably hired some ghostwriters.

Is ultimate frisbee a career?

For some people yes. There are national and international teams that play for money.

Was the book some time never for adults?

Yes Roald Dahl wrote it when his career started as a author for adults