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Filtration will separate the pebbles and water ...

Pour the mixture through a strainer (or better yet, an old burlap bag) and catch the water in a bucket. The pebbles will remain in the strainer or bag.

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1w ago

You could use a sieve to separate the pebbles from the water. Pour the mixture through the sieve, allowing the water to pass through while the pebbles remain on top.

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Q: How could you remove pebbles from a mixture of pebbles and water?
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How would you separate ground pepper and pebbles?

First put the mixture in a colander and separate the salt and pepper from the pebbles. Then put the salt and pepper in water and stir it to dissolve the salt. The pepper will not dissolve, and you can remove the pepper. Then allow the water to dissolve and you will be left with the salt.

What rocks are a mixture of rounded pebbles and sand'?


A container contains a mixture of sand salt and can each substance be separated from the other?

To separate sand from salt and pebbles, use a sieve to filter out the larger pebbles first, then add water to dissolve the salt and separate it from the sand through filtration. To separate salt from sand and pebbles, dissolve the salt in water and then evaporate the water to obtain the salt crystals, leaving the sand and pebbles behind. To separate pebbles from sand and salt, use a sieve or filtration to separate the larger pebbles from the sand and salt mixture.

How do pebbles purify water?

Pebbles can help purify water by providing a medium for beneficial bacteria to grow on. These bacteria can break down organic matter and contaminants in the water, improving its quality. Additionally, the physical structure of pebbles can also help to trap and remove solid particles from the water.

How do you separate a mixture of sugar black pepper and pebbles?

One way to separate a mixture of sugar, black pepper, and pebbles is by using a series of steps. First, you can use a sieve to separate the pebbles from the mixture. Then, dissolve both the sugar and black pepper in water. The sugar will dissolve, while the black pepper will remain separate in the solution. Finally, you can filter the mixture to separate the black pepper from the liquid solution.

Related questions

How would you separate ground pepper and pebbles?

First put the mixture in a colander and separate the salt and pepper from the pebbles. Then put the salt and pepper in water and stir it to dissolve the salt. The pepper will not dissolve, and you can remove the pepper. Then allow the water to dissolve and you will be left with the salt.

How would a combination of pebbles and water be similar to a combination of sand and water?

A mixture of pebbles and water would be heterogeneous.

How do you separate a mixture of iron fillings copper metal and silicon pellets?

Easy, magnet to seperate iron. water to seperate the wood because wood floats but pebbles sink.

What Mixture is made up of different materials that can be easily be separated?

Heterogeneous mixtures are mixtures that can easily be separated. For instance, sand mixed with water is a heterogeneous mixture that can be separated by filtration. Another example of a heterogeneous mixture is salt mixed with pebbles, which can be separated by adding water to the mixture.

How do you remove ethylene glycol from water?

Ethylene glycol can be removed from water through processes such as chemical precipitation, adsorption using activated carbon, or advanced oxidation processes. These methods help to physically or chemically separate the ethylene glycol from water, making it safe for disposal or reuse.

Which is the solvent and solute pebbles in water?

In this scenario, water is the solvent, which is the substance that dissolves the other components. The pebbles are the solute, which is the substance being dissolved in the water.

What procedure can you use to separate a mixture of sugar black pepper and pebbles?

filter or decant leaving behind the pebbles. evaporate the water leaving behind the sugar.

How do you separate the mixture of sugar n clay?

You could place the sugar-clay mixture in a wire-mesh sieve, and rinse the mixture with water to dissolve the sugar and remove it from the clay. You would need to do this over a container that would collect the sugar water. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, you could evaporate the water from the sugar water, leaving the sugar behind. The clay would be left behind in the sieve.

How does filteration relate to water?

Filtration is a process used to remove impurities and particles from water by passing it through a material that acts as a barrier. This helps to make the water cleaner and safer for consumption. Filtration is a common method used in water treatment plants and home filtration systems to improve the quality of drinking water.

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Salt and water bleach

Why can't a mixture of salt and sugar be separated the same way as salt and sand?

If you mix salt and water, the salt will dissolve into the water. If you mix pebbles and water, the pebbles and water will stay being separate objects

How can you remove corrosion from your car battery?

A mixture of baking soda and water. Rinse with clean water.