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Q: How could you see a bottle taken from the fridge show that there is water vapour?
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How could you use a bottle taken from the fridge to show there is water vapor in the air?

Leave it on the side to warm up, and condensation will form on the inside- little water droplets. As you haven't messed with the bottle at all (ie added anything to it) it should bepure air and therefore shows there is water vapour in the air.

Where does the energy come from which makes the pipes at the back of a fridge warm?

The energy comes from the heat taken from the heat/energy inside of the refrigerator/fridge. A fridge takes heat energy from inside the fridge and dumps it outside the fridge into the the pipes on the back of the fridge and into the room.

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If u want to take the time then u could bottle feed them

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Read the bottle

Is the amount of heat taken from the contents of refrigerator greater than it gives out?

Due to the laws of thermodynamics, the heat produced (at the back of a fridge) is invariably greater than the amount of heat taken away (inside the fridge).

What will happen to the bottle if air resistance is taken into consideration?

The bottle will land on the interstate behind the car.

Why does ice cubes sticky when they are taken out from fridge?

Why do ice cubes become sticky when they are taken out from the fridge? Well, the ice melts and turns into liquid water which has a higher attraction towards other substances due to higher quantities of correctly arranged electrons (which attract).

Why does the balloon go inside the bottle when you light a piece of paper on fire?

The oxygen is taken out of the bottle so it gets sucked in.

What is the internet refrigerator used for?

as items are taken out the fridge monitors the bar codes and creates a shopping list.

How do you stop your gas bottle freezing?

either shut off the supply... or insulate it. Physically, there is no way to keep a gas bottle from cooling when it's emptied. The process of gas expansion needs energy, and that is withdrawn from the ambient temperature. If the expansion goes too fast, because the gas is taken out too quickly, the gas, and the bottle, will cool down. When the temperature goes below zero, the condensing water will freeze. It's the same principal like it's used in a fridge.

If you bring a water bottle into Nassau Colosseum will it be taken away?

If it is empty it should be okay, but to be on the safe side I would bring a regular bottle from the deli and leave an expensive Sigg or Nalgene bottle at home.

An unopened bottle of water is taken out of the refrigerator and placed on a table After a while the bottle is covered with droplets of water What phase change has occurred?

condensation. trust me!