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Yes. Distilled water is neutral so would turn the paper green. Sodium hydroxide is an alkali so would turn the paper blue/purple. Ethanoic acid is an acid so would turn the paper red/orange.

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Bret Cummings

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2y ago
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1w ago

Universal indicator paper can be used to distinguish between these solutions by noticing the color change it undergoes when in contact with them. When dipped into the sodium hydroxide solution, the paper will turn blue or purple, indicating a high pH. In contrast, when dipped into the ethanoic acid solution, the paper will turn red or orange, signaling a low pH. Distilled water is neutral and will not cause any significant color change on the paper.

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Q: How could you use universal indicator paper as a way of distinguishing between distilled water sodium hydroxide solution and ethanoic acid solution?
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How could you use universal indicator paper as a way of distinguishing between distilled water and sodium hydroxide solution and ethanoic acid solution?

Yes. Distilled water is neutral so would turn the paper green. Sodium hydroxide is an alkali so would turn the paper blue/purple. Ethanoic acid is an acid so would turn the paper red/orange.

Sodium hydroxide turns universal indicator blue because it is?

Sodium hydroxide is a strong base that dissociates completely in solution to produce hydroxide ions. The presence of hydroxide ions in a solution turns universal indicator blue, indicating a high pH or alkaline condition.

What color is it when you put universal indicator into distilled water?

it changes into deep blue colour.

Why does sodium hydroxide turn universal indicator blue?

When sodium hydroxide is added to universal indicator solution, it causes the indicator to turn blue because sodium hydroxide is a strong base. The blue color represents a high pH level, indicating that the solution has become more alkaline due to the presence of hydroxide ions released by the sodium hydroxide.

What colour would universal indicator change with potassium hydroxide?

Universal indicator would change to deep purple or dark blue when added to potassium hydroxide, indicating a strong base or high pH level.

What happens when sodium is added to water and universal indicator?

sodium will react violently with water, and end products are sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. the universal indicator would turn to around orange(?)

What colour should sodium be in universal indicator?

Purple. Sodium Hydroxide is an Alkali/base. Bases and Alkalis have a pH greater than 7, and turn blue-purple in universal indicator.

A hydroxide ion is indicated by?

As a chemical ion it is 'OH^-'. As in sodium hydroxide NaOH. A pH indicator will shown it as pH 8 to 12' depending on the ionic strength. A Universal Indicator will colour 'blue/violet/indigo'.

What color would you observe between milk of magnesia and universal indicator?

The color is blue because magnesia milk is a hydroxide.

When a drop of universal indicator is dropped into calcium hydroxide what colour change will you observe?

With a pH of 12 it is very alkaline and would turn universal indicator dark blue.

Would a soap solution test as a base with universal indicator paper?

Yes, a soap solution would test as a base with universal indicator paper as soaps are typically alkaline in nature due to the presence of sodium or potassium hydroxide. This would cause the universal indicator paper to change color to indicate its basic pH.

What colour does magnesium turn added with water and universal indicator?

When magnesium is added to water with universal indicator, the indicator may initially turn blue (indicating a basic solution due to the formation of magnesium hydroxide) before turning back to its original color as the magnesium metal reacts with water to form magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas.