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you would move your leg in circles

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Q: How could your knees move if they had ball and socket joints?
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Related questions

What kind of joints are the knees and the fingers?

ball and socket

Which of your movable joints are ball and socket joints?

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint. The hip is also.

What type of joints are the hips and the shoulders?

Hip and shoulder are both Ball and Socket Joints

Which two joints in the body are ball-in-socket joints?

Your shoulder and hip are both ball and socket joints.

Ball and socket joints can be found in the?

Ball-and-socket joints can be found in the shoulders and hips.

What are 3 joints?

ball & socket joint , gliding joint , hinge joint

The ball and socket joints can be found in the .?

the ball and socket joints can be found in the shoulders and in the eyes.

What would happen if the joint between your arm and shoulder was not a ball and socket joint?

If the joint between your arm and shoulder was not a ball and socket joint, you could not be able to move your arm. Ball and socket joints allow you to move in most directions. Because of this, you can move your arm up, down, side to side, front and back, and around in a circle. The ball and socket joint is one of the four major kinds of movable joints. (The four major joints are ball and socket joints, gliding joints, hinge joints, and pivotal joints in case you didn't know.)

What is a ball-and-socket joint for?

Ball-and-socket joints allow a wider range of motion than hinge joints.

Example of ball and socket joints?

The hip joints

What is the joints which can swing around?

They are "ball and socket" joints.

Where is the ball and socket joints at?

The shoulder and hip joints.