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well they can give u rabbies

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Q: How dangerous are raccoons when live in roof?
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What do raccoons do to people if they live in the roof?

Raccoons can do serious damage to homes if they can get into the attic by removing shingles, disturbing insulation and chewing electrical wires. Feces left behind may contain dangerous bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Where do raccoons like to live?

Raccoons are very adaptable and live in all but the most extreme climate areas, such as tundra. They are found from southern Canada all the way into central South America in a wide variety of habitats.

Why is it dangerous to travel on the roof of a bus?

why is it dangerous to travel on the roof of a bus

Where in Ohio do raccoons live?

raccoons live everywhere in Ohio :)

Are raccoons more dangerous than opossums?

No, opossums are less dangerous than raccoons. It is thought that opossums are incapable of contracting and transmitting rabies.

Do raccoons live in Nashville?

Yes, raccoons live everywhere in Tennessee.

Do raccoons live in Mississippi?

Raccoons live in all states except for Alaska and Hawaii.

Do raccoons live in grasslands?

Yes, raccoons live in a variety of habitats, including grasslands.

Where in Canada do raccoons live?

raccoons live in alberta,saskatchewan and ontario

Why do raccoons poop on roof s?

They will rip off the shingles to get into a home or attic.

Where do raccoons live in Arkansas?

Raccoons can be found everywhere in Arkansas.

Do raccoons live in Connecticut?

Yes, raccoons live in all states except Alaska and Hawaii.