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The removal of jewellery pre-op is in the interest of preventing secondary infections. This is a protocol the hospital will not wave and should they not enforce this protocol they can be liable for any possible claims against them due to post operative infections. Just keep things safe remove the jewellery and replace it once you get home.

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Q: How dangerous is it to have a belly button ring in while having hand surgery?
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After having surgery they sliced through the belly button and then have kind of just sewn it all together it doesnt look like i have one anymore Can your belly button grow back?


Can you wear a belly button ring while having knee surgery?

No, because it is metal and it can affect your operation.

Can you scream while having belly surgery?

yes you can scream while having belly surgery

Is belly button piercing hot?

no it is dangerous

How old do you have to be to have belly button surgery?

about 35....but anyways are u crazy what do u need belly button surgery for its probably gonna be all screwed up still so

When is the best time to get your belly button pierced?

No time. Getting your belly button peirced is very dangerous. You can get all kinds of infections.

Is it dangerous to scratch your belly button?

Yes. You could get a scratch in your belly button. Your belly button could get infected. Your belly button could bleed. If your belly button get infected you have to clean it with hydrogen peroxide rubbing alcohol iodine or antiseptic cream. If it doesn't heal after a week you have to see a doctor at the clinic or hospital.

Do all people have a belly button?

Almost everyone has a belly button, but due to certain factors, there are some who may not have one. Most of the time, if you donโ€™t have a belly button, itโ€™s related to a surgery or a medical condition you had when you were younger.

If you turn your belly button inside out how do you get it to stay out without tying?

Haha have an belly button hernia will let out all the time which Unless asymptomatic will need surgery.

Is it ok to get your belly button pierced after having gallbladder surgery done?

I would wait and talk to your surgeon during your follow up visit just to be on the safe side.

Is it dangerous for under 14's to get their belly button pirced?

Its not dangerous but you shouldn't do anything that you can't spell.

What does it mean if you have a lump on your belly button after having an umbilical hernia surgery?

It may be due to collection of fluid- seroma or pus if infected. It can also mean that the hernia has recurred again.