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Q: How deep in water can you see?
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Deep Water - See Sportkin for Foreshore Locations or (deep water)

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How deep should tadpole water be?

The taddies don't mind how deep the water is (but if it gets really deep you might not be able to see them!) if you are getting them from a dam, raise them in dam water. if you put them in town water they might die.

How do animals use bioluminescense to survive?

It helps them see in deep water

Is deep water safe?

That depends on what body of water you are swimming into. In most cases, swimming in a deep river or deep lake can get you drowned in the water because it is so large and unclear. If it is a pool, then it is ok because you can see clearly and a lot of athletics can swim in pools as much as 50 ft deep.

Does murky mean the same thing as deep?

No, "murky" means hard to see through. Deep water can be murky because it is often dark, but shallower water can also be murky if it is muddy.

Can you see the Greenland shark from shore?

Nope, they prefer very deep water and are rare anyways.

Are tides deep water or shallow water waves?

Deep Water

How deep is fresh water?

As deep as the container in which the water is in

Does a sea horse live in shallow water or deep water?

Deep water

Deep water soloing California?

Yes. Deep water soloing California.

Is lots of seagulls a sign of sharks in water?

No.this is because the seagulls see the fish in the water that they can eat.sometimes there can be sharks if the seagulls are deep into the ocean.