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bobo kayo !

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Q: How deos a terrarium aid the photosynthesis process?
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How does a terrarium aid the photosynthesis process?

Both respiration and photosynthesis is used in the carbon cycle. Photosynthesis takes energy from the sun and stores it in the carbon-carbon bonds of carbohydrates and oxygen, respiration releases that energy. The carbon cycleis key because it provides the plant with energy and animals with oxygen.

What is in the leaves that aid this process of photosynthesis?

A green pigment- Chlorophyll or Chloroplasts in the cell.

What is it called when plants manufacture glucose?

Glucose is manufactured by plants with the aid of energy from the sun in the process called photosynthesis.

What is an example of Chlorophyll?

An example of Chlorophyll is the green in the Chloroplasts of plant species to aid in the process of photosynthesis.

Does animals have chioroplast?

If you meant chloroplast, then no, animals do not, chloroplasts are strictly a part of a plant's biology, being used to aid with photosynthesis, a process that animals do not use.

What does the chloroplast do to protect the cell?

they aid in photosynthesis

What color is a choloroplast?

Chloroplasts are green and are found in plants. They aid in supplying the plant with energy by processing sunlight into useable energy through a process called photosynthesis.

What are closely stacked flattened sacks in a cell?

In a plant cell, these are the thylakoid stacks located in the chloroplast. One stack is called a granum. They aid in the photosynthesis process.

What parts of a leaf aid in photosynthesis?

green area

What is photosynthesis what is the eqution for photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process where by green plants prepare their own food with THE aid of carbon dioxide, sunlight ,water.this will lead to the production of oxygen and glucose(simple sugar). Equation: 12H2O (Water) + 6CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) + Light Energy = 6O2 (Oxygen) + 6H2O (water) + C6H12O6 (Glucose)

A class of pigments that are present mostly in plants that aid in photosynthesis is...?


How does plants structure aid in photosynthesis?

Leaves and stems due to special adaptations