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Q: How dfind out why i was approved for ssdi?
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How long does it take to get paid ssdi once it is approved in FL?

It can take up to a month before getting paid by SSDI. This is every state including FL.

If you have an On the Record hearibg for SSDI and your case is approved do you still have to attend a court hearing?

Yes. you still need to attend court hearing even though your case is approved.

You collect SSDI and was also working part time can you collect New York state unemployment insurance?

Just an FYI: When there's any change in status, you should contact the NYS unemployment ins. agency. Their number is listed on their website. While SSDI is not a financial-need program, it assumes you are considered disabled enough not to either work or continue doing what you used to do when you collect it. In my situation, SSDI encouraged me to continue applying for jobs (I did) while I waited to be approved. However, once approved I notified NYS U.I. and they've requested I fill out a questionnaire/form describing why I can continue collecting unemployment while collecting SSDI. If you do not call them, they may ask to be paid back. If I can continue to collect U.I. (pending their review), I will notify SSDI of the payments I'm receiving. Unemployment insurance is generally based on State law. However, you can apply for and collect unemployment insurance benefits because SSDI is not a financial-need-based program, while unemployment is. Therefore your SSDI should not affect your eligibility for unemployment benefits in New York.

Saving on SSDI?

SSDI is also known as Social Security disability insurance. There is not saving this all you can do is apply for it.

Im on SSDI total income is 10,300.00 do I file taxes?

I'm on SSDI do I file taxes on $10,300.00 total income

Can IRS garnish ssdi?


Can you get SSDI with Avascular Necrosis?

Maybe. It depends upon the nature of the symptoms and whether they prevent the SSDI applicant from performing any work.

What profession uses a SSDI everyday?

Social Security Disability (SSDI) is used by people in all professions. SSDI is sometimes the only source of income for people with disabilities. The best way to determine the qualifications, is to visit a Social Security office.

Can you draw Worker Compensation while applying for Social Security Disability?

Sure. WC does not prohibit you from applying for SSDI. If you are approved you need to tell both to make sure you don't end up owing back money you didn't know about.

What form you receive for disablity benefit?


Is SSDI an example of federal entitlement?


Can you have a credit account and still receive SSDI?
