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Q: How did't T-Rex die and what did't other animal dodid thet weather chage?
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Why are animal adaptation so important?

this is so important because if an animal doesn't adapt to its surroundings it may be harm by other living objects or the weather conditions may be to harsh for the animal.

Where can i chage what people on youtube se me as?

watch other youtubers and see what do they talk about and see what do you like to talk about and talk about it!

Why would a hippo need a forest area?

For Food, weather and thats just like any other animal that needs a certain enviroment

When animals are cold what do they do?

It depends on the type of animal, but some animals go into hibernation. Other animals adapt to the weather changes and grow thicker coats. Also, many species will migrate to places with warmer weather.

How can you predict rain or snow on animal crossing wild world?

Other than the season the only way to is to check the notice board for a weather update.

What is the weather in Mount Rushmore?

the weather is............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. different from other weather.

When temperature liquids chage to solids?

It depends on the material waters freezing point is 0deg celsius(32faren) but any other liquid in the element chart varies on many other things


An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble.

If you have a joint mortgage with an ex partner and you are refused a chage of parties for your joint mortgage are there any other options to getting them off the mortgage?

contact a real estate attorney in your state to assist you

What do you get when you cross an animal with a household animal?

Depends what the household animal was and what the other animal was.

Does Neptune have any other bad weather?

All weather on Neptune would constitute extremelybad weather on Earth.

What did the Kwakuitl Indians wear in cold weather?

The Kwakuitl dressed warmly in cold weather. Men and women wore leggings, long tunics, and cloaks made of animal skins or fabrics of woven shredded cedar bark and other plant materials. Leather moccasins were worn on their feet.