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He made a difference by inventing new science and math works.

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Albert Einstein made a difference in the world by developing the theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. His work laid the foundation for many modern scientific advancements and technologies. Einstein's contributions to physics have had a lasting impact on our understanding of the universe.

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Albert Einstein made a difference with his groundbreaking theories of relativity, which revolutionized the understanding of space, time, and gravity. His work laid the foundation for modern physics and led to advancements in technology such as GPS and nuclear energy. Einstein's contributions continue to inspire scientists and thinkers around the world.

How did Albert Einstein get into what made them famous?

i want to know how Albert Einstein became famous how did he do it

How old was Albert Einstein when he made his 1 invention?

Albert Einstein was not an inventor and holds no patents.

How did Albert Einstein make math?

Albert Einstein made math to make people clever

Which chemist made E mc2?

Albert Einstein.

How did a compass influence albert Einstein?

it made him curious

What is Albert Einstein famose for?

He made e=mc2

Who made contributes to prevent asthma?

Albert Einstein

Who was the man who made math pretty?

albert einstein

What is the man made element named after Albert Einstein?

The man made element named after Albert Einstein is Einsteinium. It was discovered in 1952 and is symbolized on the periodic table as Es.

How did Albert Einstein make a difference in the world?

Albert Einstein made a difference in the world by revolutionizing the field of physics with his theory of relativity, which fundamentally changed our understanding of space, time, and gravity. His groundbreaking work laid the foundation for many technological advancements and led to a new era of scientific exploration. Additionally, Einstein's contributions to the development of the atomic bomb during World War II had a profound impact on world history.

When was the Einstein refrigerator made?

Albert Einstein and his former student, Leo Szilard, patented the Einstein refrigerator in 1930.