

How did a compass influence albert Einstein?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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it made him curious

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Q: How did a compass influence albert Einstein?
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his compass.

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When did Albert Einstein get his compass?

Albert Einstein got the compass when he was 4 or 5 years old while he was sick in bed. His father gave to him for something to play with

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Uncle Jacob encouraged Albert Einstein's curiosity and provided him with books and resources to explore his interests in science and mathematics. He also supported Einstein's education and intellectual development, fostering a love for learning and critical thinking. Overall, Uncle Jacob's influence helped shape Einstein's intellectual growth and future success as a renowned physicist.

What inspired albert Einstein to do what he did?

a compass his dad gave him inspired him

What instrument did Albert Einstein's father give him when he was 5?

a pocket compass

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What made albert Einstein like science?

His father showed him a compass and he wondered how it worked

Why is Albert Einstein intelligent?

Since he was a child he started to wonder about things. A compass made Albert think of alot of things.

How did Albert Einstein influence children?

Albert Einstein influenced children at the age of seven and he influenced the children by his passion of science and puzzles! Thanks! A

What influence does albert Einstein have on this community?

this website is a stupid phoney thing

Why did Albert Einstein like science?

Einstein liked science because his dad gave him a compass and he wondered what made it point north and south and that motivated him to do what he did.