


Albert Einstein

Includes questions about the life and works of physicist Albert Einstein.

5,007 Questions

What time was Albert Einstein born at?

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Albert Einstein was born at 11:30 AM on March 14, 1879.

Is Alfred enstine a scinestest?

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It appears there may be a typo in the name you provided. However, if you are referring to Albert Einstein, then yes, he was a well-known scientist famous for his theory of relativity.

What color are Albert Pujols eyes?

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Albert Pujols has dark brown eyes.

Did Albert Einstein just drinnk milk?

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Yes, Albert Einstein was known to enjoy drinking milk regularly.

What are somethings that cause Albert Einstein to be a curious man?

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Albert Einstein's curiosity was sparked by his childhood wonder about the nature of the universe. Additionally, his father's compass, which seemed to move without any visible force acting on it, intrigued him and fueled his interest in physics. Einstein's persistent drive to understand the mysteries of the world around him led him to question established scientific principles and develop groundbreaking theories.

Where did albert einstein live most his life?

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Albert Einstein lived most of his life in Europe, primarily in Germany and Switzerland. He spent a significant portion of his career in Berlin, where he developed his theory of relativity. Later, he moved to the United States and settled in Princeton, New Jersey, where he continued his work.

What is the weihnachtsmarkt ulm?

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The Weihnachtsmarkt Ulm is a traditional German Christmas market held in the city of Ulm. It features festive decorations, local crafts, food stalls, and entertainment. Visitors can enjoy mulled wine, roasted chestnuts, and shop for unique gifts during the holiday season.

How long ago did Albert Einstein die?

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Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955, which is roughly 67 years ago.

What did Einstein say about the sky being blue'?

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Einstein did not specifically discuss the color of the sky; however, the blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering, where particles in the atmosphere scatter sunlight in all directions, with shorter (blue) wavelengths being scattered more than longer (red) wavelengths.

Who is that mystery ghost on Baby Einstein?

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The mystery ghost in Baby Einstein is an anthropomorphic character created for entertainment purposes, and does not have a specific identity or backstory. It is meant to engage young children and add an element of fun and whimsy to the videos.

When did Albert Einstein get his compass?

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Albert Einstein received his first compass at the age of five from his father, who gave it to him as a gift when he was sick in bed. Einstein later credited this experience as having a profound impact on his curiosity about the underlying principles of the natural world.

Was Einstein a freemason?

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There is no concrete evidence to suggest that Albert Einstein was a Freemason. While his views on religion and spirituality were complex and often discussed, there is no record of his membership in any Masonic organization.

Was Albert Einstein a geocentric theorist?

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No, Albert Einstein was not a geocentric theorist. He is known for developing the theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. This theory proposed that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, regardless of their relative motion.

What year the scientist of his time referein to Einstein's annus mirabilis?

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The scientist of his time referred to Einstein's annus mirabilis in 1905, when he published four groundbreaking papers in the field of theoretical physics that revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and energy.

What country was Albert Enstein born?

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Albert Einstein was born in Germany. Unfortunately he was a Jew and Hitler, as we know, had started the concentration camps, so he fled to America and warned us that Germany was looking into the atomic bomb so we used him and developed the atom bomb.

Is roofing difficult?

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Roofing can be challenging due to the physical demands and safety requirements involved, such as working at heights and handling heavy materials. Proper training and experience are necessary to ensure a quality installation and to prevent accidents. It's important to follow safety protocols and regulations when working on a roof.

Is there a living relative of Einstein still alive today?

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Yes, one of Albert Einstein's great-grandchildren, Paul Einstein, is alive today.

Is Albert Enstine alive?

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Einstein died 18 April 1955 (aged 76) in Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America.

Actually, Albert Enstine is 42-years-old and lives in Long Beach, CA. He keeps his telephone number unlisted to avoid all of the prank calls he was receiving from morons who can't spell "Einstein".

What was Albert Einstein's birthstone?

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Albert Einstein's birthstone is the amethyst, which is associated with protection, healing, and spiritual enlightenment.

Why were they working on albert eistiens subject?

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The researchers were likely working on Albert Einstein's subjects to advance scientific knowledge and potentially build upon his theories and discoveries in physics and mathematics. Einstein's work in fields such as general relativity, quantum mechanics, and the photoelectric effect remains foundational in shaping our understanding of the universe. By studying his subjects, researchers can contribute to groundbreaking new insights and technologies.

Did Albert Einstein and Ernest Rutherford ever meet?

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Yes, Albert Einstein and Ernest Rutherford met at least once in person in 1909 while attending a conference in Brussels. However, there are no reported interactions or collaborations between them after that meeting.

What type of pets Albert Einstein have?

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Albert Einstein had a pet parrot named Bibo. It is also reported that he briefly had a dog named Chico.

Who said can you prove to me that the moon is not there when no one is looking to Albert Einstein?

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This quote is often misattributed to Albert Einstein. The actual author is physicist Niels Bohr. It is a reference to the concept of quantum physics and the role of observation in determining reality.

Did albert einstein ever smoke weed?

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There is no concrete evidence to suggest that Albert Einstein smoked weed. While he was known to enjoy the occasional pipe or cigar, there is no historical record or credible source that indicates he used cannabis.