

Harry Truman

Harry Truman was the 33rd President of the United States (from 1945 to 1953). Major historical events happened during his term, including the use of the atomic bomb against Japan and the end of World War II.

1,076 Questions

How did david johnston and Harry Truman die mount st helens?

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David Johnston, a volcanologist, died during the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens when the blast wave caused by the eruption swept over his observation point. Harry Truman, a lodge owner, refused to evacuate from his home near the volcano and also perished during the eruption.

Who was Harry Truman mount st helens?

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Harry Truman was a resident and owner of the Mount St. Helens Lodge on Spirit Lake. He famously refused to leave his property despite warnings of the impending eruption and sadly perished when the volcano erupted in 1980.

Where can you get the Harry Truman mt st helens song from without using YouTube?

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You can find the Harry Truman Mt. St. Helens song on music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, or Amazon Music. You can also purchase the song on online music stores like iTunes or Google Play.

What was Vladimir Zworykin's most important contribution?

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Vladimir Zworykin's most important contribution was the invention of the iconoscope, the first practical electronic television camera tube. This invention laid the foundation for modern television technology and significantly influenced the development of television broadcasting.

Who is Margaret Lindsay Murray Huggins?

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Margaret Lindsay Murray Huggins was a British astronomer known for her work in astrophotography and spectroscopy. She collaborated with her husband, William Huggins, in pioneering the use of spectroscopy to study the composition of stars. She was the co-founder and first female member of the British Astronomical Association.

What were some major astronomical discoveries made in the 1930's?

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In the 1930s, major astronomical discoveries included the discovery of Pluto in 1930, the identification of the first Quasar in 1932, and the discovery of the first interstellar molecules in space in 1935. Additionally, the concept of an expanding universe was also proposed during this decade.

Who is the model for Truman Capote's sydney dillon?

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Socialite Babe Paley is widely believed to be the inspiration for the character of Sydney Dillon in Truman Capote's novel "Answered Prayers." Capote was known for drawing inspiration from real-life individuals to create his characters.

How tall was Truman Capote?

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Birth name Truman Streckfus Persons Height 5' 3" (1.60 m)

When was Margaret Trudeau born?

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Margaret Trudeau was born on September 10, 1948.

What did Harry S. Truman write to a newspaper about his daughter's piano recital?

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Harry S. Truman wrote a letter to the Washington Post extolling his daughter Margaret's piano recital performance. He praised her talents and defended her against a negative review, expressing his pride in her accomplishments.

Why did Truman support civil rights?

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President Truman did the following to further civil rights in the United States:

1946: issued Executive Order 9808 which established the President’s Committee on Civil Rights

1948: issued Executive Order 9980 which established a fair employment board to eliminate discriminatory hiring within the federal government

1948: issued Executive Order 9981, which desegregated the U.S. armed forces.

These were steps forward, but Truman's record was not perfect. During the Lunch Counter Protests, Truman supported the notion that these were "orchestrated by the Communists" and not protests demonstrating racist practices. Later, Truman also stated that “If anyone came into my store and tried to stop business I’d throw him out. The Negro should behave himself and show he’s a good citizen,” souring his relationship with leaders like Martin Luther King.

Civil Rights have been a long and complicated road of steps forward and backwards. Truman was complicated. Although he was openly racist when among his Senate peers, he lobbied for an end to legalized racial discrimination because it violated basic American ideals.

Was President Truman a Democrat?

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Yes, President Truman was a Democrat. He served as the 33rd President of the United States from 1945 to 1953 and was a member of the Democratic Party throughout his political career.

What are some character traits of Truman burbank?

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Some character traits of Truman Burbank in the movie "The Truman Show" include curiosity, determination, and resilience. He is curious about the world around him and begins to question his reality, leading to his determination to uncover the truth. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, he displays resilience in his pursuit of freedom and finding his own identity.

Why was Harry Truman called Mr Citizen?

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Harry Truman was called "Mr. Citizen" because he portrayed himself as an ordinary citizen who was thrust into the presidency. He came from a humble background and emphasized his down-to-earth nature and relatability during his time in office. This nickname highlighted his image as a regular person who was serving as the leader of the country.

What did president Truman believe after meeting with the soviet and british leaders?

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After meeting with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the Potsdam Conference in 1945, President Harry Truman believed that maintaining a strong stance against the Soviet Union was necessary. He saw the Soviets as a potential threat and wanted to contain their influence and expansion through a policy known as containment, which later became a cornerstone of his foreign policy approach during the Cold War.

What were the foreign and domestic policies of Harry Truman?

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Harry Truman's foreign policy was shaped by the onset of the Cold War. He implemented the containment policy to prevent the spread of communism and supported the creation of NATO. Domestically, Truman focused on domestic reform and economic policies. He introduced the Fair Deal, which aimed to expand social welfare programs and promote civil rights, and pushed for the desegregation of the armed forces.

What did the United States do under the Truman doctrine to help Greece?

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Under the Truman Doctrine, the United States provided financial aid and military assistance to Greece. The U.S. government allocated economic aid to Greece to support its economy and rebuild infrastructure, as well as to help combat the threat of communist insurgency. Additionally, the U.S. sent military advisors and equipment to assist in the defense of Greece against communist forces.

Was Harry S. Truman impeached by congress?

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No, Harry S. Truman was not impeached by Congress. While there were calls for his impeachment during his presidency, particularly due to his controversial firing of General Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War, these calls did not result in impeachment proceedings.

What was Philip randolph an instrumental in?

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A. Philip Randolph was instrumental in the civil rights movement and labor organizing. He founded the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the first predominantly African American labor union, and helped organize the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. Randolph's activism paved the way for significant advancements in both racial equality and workers' rights in the United States.

How did a Phillip Randolph get president Truman to change the way military treated its black soldiers?

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A. Philip Randolph threatened President Truman with a mass march on Washington, D.C. by 100,000 African Americans in 1941 if the military did not desegregate. Randolph's plan put pressure on Truman and convinced him to issue Executive Order 9981 in 1948, which called for the integration of the armed forces and prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin.

True or false the fair deal was an ambitious economic program proposed by president Truman?

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True. The Fair Deal was an ambitious economic program proposed by President Truman in 1949. It aimed to address issues such as expanding Social Security, providing affordable housing, increasing the minimum wage, and advancing civil rights. However, many of Truman's proposals faced opposition and were not fully implemented.

Why did harry s trueman's parents give him the middle name s?

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Harry S. Truman's middle initial "S" did not actually stand for anything. His parents named him with the middle initial "S" to honor both of his grandfathers, Solomon Young and Anderson Shippe. The "S" was simply meant to represent both of their names without favoring one over the other.

Why did it take so long for Truman to proclaim the end of the war?

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It took Truman several months to officially proclaim the end of World War II because there were ongoing negotiations and agreements being made with Japan. The formal surrender of Japan occurred on September 2, 1945, after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and subsequent military pressure. Truman wanted to ensure that all loose ends were tied up before making the official announcement.

Was Harry Truman's funeral big?

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Yes, Harry Truman's funeral was a big event. It took place on December 28, 1972, in Independence, Missouri, and was attended by thousands of people, including several world leaders and dignitaries. The funeral procession was over a mile long and included military units, bands, and distinguished guests.


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EO9981 refers to Executive Order 9981, which was signed by President Harry S. Truman on July 26, 1948. This executive order called for the desegregation of the United States Armed Forces and paved the way for racial integration within the military. It prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin within the military, marking a significant step towards civil rights reform.