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Q: How did Andrew Carnegie come up with the steel idea?
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Who Developed vertical integration for his steel company?

The idea of vertical integration was introduced by Andrew Carnegie.

Who was the first industrialist to advocate the gospel of wealth?

Andrew Carnegie was the first industrialist to advocate the gospel of wealth. He believed that the wealthy had a responsibility to use their wealth to benefit society and help those less fortunate. Carnegie promoted the idea that the rich should engage in philanthropy and contribute to the welfare of the public.

Did andrew carnegie support the idea of socialism?

Absolutely not. Carnegie was a prototypical capitalist "robber baron" who ruthlessly exploited his workers.

Who founded the Peace Palace?

The original idea came from Friedrich Martens, a Russian diplomat and Andrew White, an American diplomat. The funding came from the Carnegie Foundation, (Andrew Carnegie).

What was Gospel of Wealth during the industrial revolution?

The wealthy proclaimed that they were justified by God to have so much wealth. They claimed that God gave them their money or they were a product of natural selection. This idea was boasted by Andrew Carnegie.

What was Carnegie's idea that the rich should help the poor called?

Gospel of wealth

Did Andrew Carnegie originate the idea of the League of Nations or was it Woodrow Wilson?

Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson wanted to avoid the violence seen in World War I. He thought that the League Of Nations would avoid another war like that.

What presidents best represent the idea of the common Man?

Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and Harry Truman come to mind as representatives of the common man.

Who introduced the idea of nullificaton?

Andrew Jackson introduced this idea of nullification to the 1800s.

What condition is required for steel?

we have no idea o_0

Does Carnegie Gospel of Wealth promote or inhibit democratic opportunity?

The Gospel of Wealth, written by Andrew Carnegie, promotes the idea that wealthy individuals have a responsibility to use their resources for the greater good of society. While this can be seen as promoting democratic opportunity through philanthropy and social contributions, it also raises questions about the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few individuals, which can potentially inhibit democratic principles of equality and fairness.

Why was Andrew Carnegie famous?

Historians say he was a steel magnate in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania during America's industrial revolution. Others, like john l. Lewis, said he was a mean-spirited, ruthless, business type who prostituted his workers and forced them to work in very dangerous conditions. He felt that the wealthy should repay their debt to society, which is why he sponsored the creation of Carnegie hall and other institutions and colleges. He also felt that a man who died rich was a disgrace, and when he did die he spent the majority of his fortune on charitable institutions. Was the only true rags to riches story of this era, JP Morgan and John D. Rockefeller were both initially well born where Carnegie was an Irish immigrant who had nothing.