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Q: How did Andrew Jackson expand suffrage when he was president of the us?
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The trail of tears resulted from president andrew jackson's effort to?

The Trail of Tears resulted from President Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Policy. It was prompted by the settlers to expand into land belonging to the five tribes.

How did suffrage expand during the Age of Jackson?

Jacksonian democracy

What did Andrew Jackson want?

-Expand north American territories -universal white male suffrage -equal opportunity for white males in politics -To get revenge on the British

By supporting the Indian Removal Act of 1830 President Andrew Jackson?

the southerners wanted the native Americans out so they can expand their land, Andrew Jackson approved.

How did Andrew Jackson expand voting rights?

In the original colonies; that declaired freedom from the British Crown: The colonies as states; only allowed white male land owners, to vote; or run for political office. To my kowledge; that was still in effect, when Andrew Jackson was president,

What did Andrew Jackson do for Manifest destiny?

He passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830 which helped America expand into the west.

What is the difference between Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson wanted to limit the power of the federal government while Andrew Jackson wanted to expand it. Andrew Jackson wanted to exclude the native Americans from American society, but Jefferson wanted to include them.

How the Ninetenth Amendment expand suffrage?

it was the amendment that gave women the right to vote

Andrew Jackson should be wanted why?

Andrew Jackson should be wanted for his role in the forced removal of Native American tribes, known as the Trail of Tears, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Native Americans. Additionally, he should be wanted for his support of slavery and his efforts to expand it throughout the United States. Lastly, Jackson's policies and actions as president reinforced a power imbalance in favor of wealthy elites, further marginalizing marginalized communities and widening socioeconomic disparities.

How did did suffrage expand in the 1820s and 1830's?

pay attention in class when and you will be told.

Why Andrew Jackson should not be on the 20?

There are several reasons why Andrew Jackson should not be on the $20 bill. Firstly, his policies towards Native Americans were marked by forced removals and the Trail of Tears, resulting in the death and suffering of thousands of Native Americans. Additionally, Jackson was a staunch supporter of slavery and actively worked to expand it. Lastly, his economic policies, such as his opposition to a central bank, contributed to the Panic of 1837 and an economic depression.

How did Andrew Jackson expand US territory?

Jackson's primary method of expanding US territory, both as an Army general and as President, was forcing Native Americans off their land. His most significant act of this type was the Indian Removal Act, which led to the Trail of Tears, the forcible emigration of thousands of Native Americans from their homes in the south to land west of the Mississippi.