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Neither Anne Frank nor her father were exterminated at the Aushwitz Concentration Camp. Her father was ill, and was able to hide out in the infirmary during the evacuation. Anne and her sister were evacuated to another camp, Bergen-Belsen, where they died of typhoid fever. A Survivor of Bergen-Belsen said that there was very little food at the end. Even though the Commandant gave this woman some extra cereal for the children, it went mostly to the smaller ones. Although typhoid is not invariably fatal, Anne was traumatized due to separation from her parents, that plus the lack of food made it impossible for her to survive the illness.

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Q: How did anne franks father survive?
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Yes, Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank, survived the Holocaust. He was the only member of the Frank family to survive Auschwitz concentration camp and went on to publish Anne's diary, "The Diary of a Young Girl."

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Anne Franks father was a business man he created jams and many more other foods.

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Miep Gies. Her and Anne Frank's father were the "survivors". Miep Gies. Her and Anne Frank's father were the "survivors".

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Her Father published her dairy

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What is otto frank known for?

being anne franks father and publishing her diary.

How did they find the real name of the van Daans if it wasn't in Anne Franks Diary?

Most probably anne's father remembered it

How did Anne Franks diary get to her father?

Anne Frank's diary was left behind in the secret annex where her family hid during World War II. After the war, Miep Gies, a friend of the Franks who helped hide them, found the diary and gave it to Anne's father, Otto Frank, the only member of the family who survived the Holocaust.

What country did Anne Frank's father flee to?

Anne's father, Otto, did not flee. He was captured with Anne and the rest of the family and ended up in Auschwitz with them. He was the only one to survive. After being librated in 1945 he returned to Amsterdam. ____ In 1933 the Franks, including Otto, fled (emigrated) from Germany to the Netherlands.