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The Apollo program changed space exploration in many ways. It landed 12 people on the moon between 1969 and 1972,it helped us further understand what happens in long term missions, it helped develop the first American space station and the most advanced one at the time, and it proved to the world that democracy triumphs over socialism.

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The moon landings were part of what program of space exploration?

The moon landings were part of the "Apollo" space exploration.

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What was the purpose of the Apollo missions?

Space exploration and national prestige.

Did Apollo make anything?

Apollo was the name of the U.S. program that put men on the moon between 1969 and 1972. Space vehicles and other space exploration equipment were created for this purpose.

How has the focus of the us space program changed snice the time of the Apollo program?

The focus of the Apollo program was just the Moon and getting there and back. Now the focus of the Space program is to build a viable permanent base in space, with a view to deep space exploration.

What Apollo space ship had an explosion while in space?

Apollo 13 had an explosion while encourse to the Moon. Luckily, the three astronauts inside were able to survive and make it back to Earth alive. The mission reminded people of the dangers of space exploration. The mission's story has been made into a movie, Apollo 13.

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I think that Bond changed sapce exploration because of his help on raising the space equipment into orbit

Who was the director of the Apollo missions?

It was Werner Von Braun. This famous scientist defected from Nazi Germany, as his real passionwas Space exploration.

What effect did Apollo 1 have on Space Exploration?

Apollo 1 really brought home the danger inherent to space travel. Prior to the A1 fire NASA had grown almost complacent i ntheir safety methods. Apollo 1 showed them that, regardless how inocuous a test may seem, spce travel is dangerous.

Why was the Apollo space program important?

It started a change in the way scientist studied the moon