

How did Assyrian cult er differ from Babylon cult er?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How did Assyrian cult er differ from Babylon cult er?
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How does rough ER differ for smooth ER?

rough ER has a higher proportion of ribosomes within, hence the 'rough' appearance

How does rough ER from smooth ER?

if you meant how they differ, its like this. Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes on it, these are responsible for proten synthesis. The smooth ER on the other hand does not have ribosomes

When is agranular attached to granular er?

Agranular ER is attached to granular ER at all times. As granular ER is involved in making membrane and secreting proteins, and agranular ER is involved in making lipids and steroids, the percentage will differ according to the function of the cell.

How does rough er differ from smooth er structure and function?

ER (endoplasmic reticulae) are the pathways in the cytoplasm of the cell connecting the nucleus. Smooth ER are without ribosomes on its membrane and rough ER have several ribosomes lining up the membrane. The ribosomes help in the assembly of amenoacids to form the proteins as per message received from mRNA.

How does smooth ER differ from rough ER?

Rough ER is studded with ribosomes and are involved in modifying proteins. Smooth ER has no ribosomes and is involved with making and modifying fats. Smooth ER lacks the ribosomes that cover the rough ER.

How does rough endoplasmic reticulum differ from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a network of intracellular membranes, it links the plasma membrane and other membraneous organelles. it is involved in the production, processing, transport and storage of materials within a cell.Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER), is assosisated with ribosomes, where proteins are made.Smooth endoplasmic reticulum(SER), lacks ribosomes and is involved in the metabolism of certain compounds and synthesis of lipids.

Er diagram of online railway reservation system?

try which will help you for making ER - Diagram ....and copy past given link below in your browser for detailed description about ER - Diagram :

What structure makes the rough endoplasmic reticulum different from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

The basic difference between the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the rough ER has ribosomes latched on to it. This is what makes it "rough" and since the smooth ER does not have these organelles on it, it is smooth.The RER and the SER also differ in function. The rough ER is the cell's "membrane factory." Proteins and phospholipids that form part of all cellular membranes are manufactured in the rough ER. The smooth ER's main functions are lipid metabolism and synthesis of cholesterol.

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"Er er er er er er!"

How do you pronounce preternatural?

Preternatural can be pronounced in two ways:pree-ter-nach-er-uhlpree-ter-nach-ruhlBoth ways are acceptable and will only differ depending on your choice of pronunciation.

What is endoplasm?

The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of tubules and flattened sacs that serve a variety of functions in the cell. There are two regions of the ER that differ in both structure and function.

How can you tell an rough er from a smooth er?

A rough er has ribosomes while a soft er does not