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offered them their freedom.

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Q: How did Britain try to persuade enslaved African Americans to join their army?
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During the civil war the South hoped to A capture New York city B convince Britain and France to intervene on the confederate side C form armies of enslaved African Americans?


Who was affected the most in the Emancipation Proclamation?

The Northern government - because they no longer had to worry about Britain and France aiding the South. (After the Proclamation, it would have made them look as though were pro-slavery.)

Why did some African Americans loyal to Britain?

the british offered freedom to them if they fought for britain.

Who was phillis wheatly?

A former enslaved African-American who wrote poems and plays supporting American independence from Britain.

What does The crisis No1 by Thomas Paine mean?

Thomas Paine tries to persuade Americans to fight and completely separate from Great Britain.

What other groups were living in early Britain?

There were many ancient people living in that area. For example, african americans.

What was the goal of macons no. 2?

to persuade France novanet

What made President Lincoln decide to emancipate African Americans?

Lincoln believed it was important that the president should end slavery instead of the antislavery republicans. Ending slavery would make Britain and France less likely to aid the South. Every enslaved person who worked enabled a white Southerner to fight in the Confederate army

Who attempted to persuade Great Britain to side with the axis?

jimmy barns

What was the goal of Macon's Bill No 2?

to persuade France novanet

Did North Africa win the north African campaing?

The North Africa campaign was the British and Americans against the Germans in North Africa. It was won by Britain and America.

Why was Britain so racised?

it wasnt really that they were racist back then racism didnt excist its just they thought African Americans were different and should be treated so