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Q: How did Charles Darwin's dad die?
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What are Darwins's hobbies?

charles darwins hobbies are flying in the sky andtexting on his phone

Where was Darwins raised?

Charles Darwin was raised with a father and mother. his mother died when he was 6 years old. charles lived with his dad and the rest of his siblings and they didnt get alone with each other

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charles darwins dose not have a talent

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Who were Charles's Darwin's parents and what did they do

What was charles darwins nationality?

Charles Dawin's nationality was English.

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'N stuff

What is Darwins's full name?

Charles Robert Darwin.

Did ray charles' dad die?

Yes, his dad is dead.

What was the birthpace of Charles dawin?

Charles Darwins Place of Birth was Shrewsbury, England

What are Charles Darwin's hobbies?

charles darwins hobbies are flying in the sky andtexting on his phone

Is Charles Darwin's theory is complementary to religious concept?

Charles Darwins theory is wrong to religon as it is very clear god created the world. and theories like Darwins are wrong.