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Q: How did Chief Justice Taney use the Declaration of Independence to support his opinion in the Dred Scott v Sandford (1857) case?
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Whose opinion does the declaration of Independence say it is adressed to?

the colonists

What is opinion for Declaration of Independence?

People need to read it more.

Who was the main person responsible for drafting the declaration of independence?

No one was solely responsible for the Declaration of independence. It was written by several different men, not based one just one mans opinion. A better Question would be "Who influenced the making of the Declaration of independence the most."

What did Benjamin Rush do?

What Benjamin Rush did was sign the declaration of independence, to express his opinion to have freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness

The document that was crucil in changing public opinion to support independence was?

Declaration of Independence is the document that was crucial in changing public opinion to support independence. The document states that all men were created equal.

Was Justice Roger Taney the author of the Roe v Wade decision?

No. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney is best known for his opinion in Dred Scott v. Sandford, (1857), a landmark case that denied slaves citizenship or freedom.Justice Harry Blackmun wrote the opinion of the Court for Roe v Wade, (1973).

What is the central of the Declaration of Independence?

In my opinion, it's a toss up between: "all men [sic] are born equally free and independent" (George Mason, Virginia Declaration of Rights); and, the people have the right to alter or abolish government.

Does justice like you?

Justice is an abstraction; it has no opinion about me.

What Chief Justice of the Supreme Court declared African-Americans non-citizens?

Chief Justice Roger B. Taney asserted no slave or other person of African descent could ever be a United States citizen in the opinion of the Dred Scott v. Sandford, (1857) case. The purpose behind this declaration was his justification for denying slaves the right to sue for their freedom, a relatively common practice in that era.The Dred Scott decision is considered a major catalyst of the American Civil War.

Did the declaration reflect the opinions of all the colonists at the time?

No. The usual thinking is that about one-third of the colonists supported independence, about one-third opposed it, and the other third had no strong opinion on the matter.

When will a justice write a dissenting opinion?

A dissenting opinion is written when a justice disagrees with the majority opinion (which carries the force of law). If a justice is writing a dissenting opinion, that means he or she voted with the minority group, and wants to explain the reason why he or she disagrees with the official Opinion of the Court. Dissenting opinions may be cited, but are not enforceable.

Why would a Supreme Court justice write a concurring opinion?

A Supreme Court justice may choose to write a concurring opinion when he or she agrees with the majority decision, but wants to add perceptions or legal reasoning not addressed, or not addressed to that justice's satisfaction, in the majority opinion (opinion of the Court).