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she farted and it got all messed up

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Q: How did Cleopatra change the world or the society?
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What did Cleopatra do to change the world today?

Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to change the world neither in her own time nor in our time today.

How did Cleopatra change society?

Cleopatra changed society by stopping the Greeks and Romans from invading Egypt. She also changed society by creating a great romance that has lived on for generations via movies and books.

Did Cleopatra change the world?

Cleopatra changed the world. She prevented the Greeks from succeeding with a French invasion. Thus, they were not psychologically ready to continue their quest for world domination.

What was Cleopatra's impact on society?

Cleopatra became queen

Did society like Cleopatra?


What impact did Cleopatra have on the world?

Cleopatra had a great impact on the world of her time. She was the catalyst that caused the final civil war which brought Octavian to power and the change in the Roman government.

What was Cleopatra contribution to Egyptian society?

Cleopatra contribution to Egyptian society was she married many men and spoke 9 languages.

How did Cleopatra change the world?

Cleopatra defended Egypt from the growing Roman Empire. Romans were taking over many places at the time, but Egypt fought them and did not become a part of it.

What were Cleopatra achievements and contributions to society?

She actually did nothing

What is Cleopatra' legacy to the world?

Cleopatra's legacy to the world is, "Don't mess with snakes!"

What is Cleopatra's maiden name?

Cleopatra's maiden name was Cleopatra. Ancient women did not change their names upon marriage.

How did the Cleopatra's death influenced Greek society?

Af ter Cleopatra no one got fulfilled her fesires towords her kingdom