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Constantine didn't split the Roman Empire. It was Diocletian, and he divided the empire into western and eastern halves.

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Q: How did Constantine split roman empire?
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Who split the Roman Empire in two parts in AD 330?


Who split Roman Empire into two parts in AD 330?


Who split the roman empire into two parts in ad 330?

Constantine split the Roman Empire into the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. It should be noted however that the emperor Diocletian (284-305 AD ) made this easier as he was the first to divide the empire into two parts, a western and eastern empire to be ruled separately. The emperors who followed Constantine, Julian and Theodosius I, made permanent the division of the Roman Empire into an eastern and western half.

Why is Constantine a significant figure?

Constantine was Emperor of Eastern Rome at the time that the Roman Empire split in half.This split was caused by Christianity, and Constantine was actually the first Christian ruler of Rome. The capitol of the Byzantine Empire (as which it was called) was Constantinople.

What became the capitol in the eastern part of the empire after the roman empire was split?

Well when the Roman Empire came to the end the only strong place left was Constantinople because it was ruled by Constantine.

What did Constantine rule?

Constantine ruled over the Roman Empire from 306 to 337 AD

What emperor reunited the Roman Empire after Diocletian had divided it?

Emperor Constantine reunited the Roman Empire in 324 AD after it had been split by Emperor Diocletian. But soon after his death the empire would again be divided. The east would survive; the west would fall

What was the name of religion practice in roman empire?

In the Roman Empire up to the time of Constantine, the official religion was Greco-Roman paganism. After Constantine it became Christianity.

Did Hadrian split the Roman Empire into the Western and Eastern Roman Empires?

No. Diocletian split the Roman Empire.

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Was Constantine the last roman emperor?

No, Constantine died over 100 years before the West Roman Empire fell, and over 1100 years before the East Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) fell.