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Q: How did Darwin's observation support Lyell's theory?
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an observation becomes an thesis through experimentation, proven info and support. a thesis becomes a theory through support and a theory becomes a law through even more support

What ideas in lyells theory of uniformitarianism were important for evolutionary theory?

The idea is that there is no idea:P I'm just jocking guys

What ideas in lyells theory uniformitarianism were important for evolutionary theory?

The idea is that there is no idea:P I'm just jocking guys

What idea in Lyells theory of uniformitarianism were important for evolutionary theory?

The idea is that there is no idea:P I'm just jocking guys

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There is no proven theory of evolution only the physical evidence of what Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

Which is not of Darwin's theory of natural selection?

which is not part of darwins theory of natural selction

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A guy who had a debate about Darwins theory

Is Charles Darwin's theory is complementary to religious concept?

Charles Darwins theory is wrong to religon as it is very clear god created the world. and theories like Darwins are wrong.

What book did he write about natural selection?

Darwins theory of evolution :)

How does one cope with blindness of a sibling?

Darwins theory of evolution

Why some people did not believe Darwins theory?

because of religion

How do fossil and biochemicals support the theory of evolution?

Because due to Darwins theory of evolution, fossils lead to adaptations over time therefor giving us reason to find evolution within human beings and animals.