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Q: How did Darwin and his book affect Christianity?
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The book made Darwin think that sense the earth is so old, there would be plenty of time for organisms to change slowly.

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What was in Charles Darwin's book?

Darwin was famous for his "survival of the fittest" theory so obviously his observations about that were in his book.

How did Darwin's theory of evolution affect society?

Darwin's theory of evolution had a significant impact on society by challenging traditional beliefs about the origins of species and the role of humanity in the natural world. It led to a greater acceptance of the idea that all living organisms are connected and that humans are not separate from the rest of nature. This shift in perspective continues to influence scientific thought, education, and ethical debates in society.

Did Charles Darwin have a reconversion of Christianity on his death bed?

There is no evidence this happened. On the contrary, there is an abundance of proof that this was made up after Darwin's death.

Is there life on Darwin 4?

Darwin IV is a fictional planet in Wayne Barlowe's book Expedition.So as it is a book, there can be anything.

What process did Darwin book?

Darwin proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Does christianity have a holy book?

Yes. The holy book of Christianity is the Bible.

What is Darwin's book about?

Natural selection

What did erasmus Darwin do?

Erasmus Darwin was Charles Darwin's grandfather and he wrote a book titled "Zoonomia" which focused on the possibility of evolution.

Did Darwin theory if evolution affect the way species are classified?

No Darwin's theory was not directly linked to classification .

Who dis covered the origin of species?

The book fully titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, was written by Charles Darwin.