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Q: How did Darwins beliefs about Earth differ from those of other scientists from his time?
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Unlike the people of Columbus's time, many scientists in Hellenistic times knew that the Earth was round.

What were the long-held beliefs of the Catholic Church that scientists challenged?

That the Earth was the center of the Universe.

What planets dont have rings?

mercury, venus, earth, and mars don't have rings. but some scientists differ whether or not mars has rings, but for now its appears not.

Do scientists believe man was created by God or that they just evolved?

Different scientists hold different beliefs. Many scientists accept the theory of evolution as a scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth. However, there are also scientists who believe in theistic evolution, which posits that evolution is a process guided by a higher power, such as God. Ultimately, beliefs about the origins of humans vary among scientists.

Why do scientists study Earth s tidal patterns?

Why do scientists study Earth's tidal patterns?

What are the scientists who study the earth are called what?

Scientists who study Earth's surface and interior are called Geologists.

What are scientists who study earth's oceans called?

Scientists who study earth's oceans are called oceanographers.

How did scientists figure that the earth was made of layers?

Scientists used seismic waves to discover the layers of Earth.

Who study's the earth?

Earth scientists study the Earth. This includes geologists, oceanographers, meteorologists and biologists, amongst many more.

Who are the scientists of the earth?


How can studying earth help scientists understand other planets?

Studying the earth helps scientists to understand other planets since the earth is part of the solar system. Scientists use the features of the earth to compare them with what other planets hold.

What do Antarctic scientists do?

Scientists in the Antarctic study the health of planet earth.