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Q: How did democrats regain control of southern government from the republican party?
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Why did whites in the south feel as if they have won the election of 1876 even know the new president was a republican?

the Democrats were able to control the southern states

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The amount of control government should have over business activities.

Why did whites in the south feels as if they had won the election of 1876 even though the new president was a republican?

the Democrats were able to control the southern states

Why did whites in the South feel as if they had won the election of 1876 even though the new president was a Republican?

the Democrats were able to control the southern states

Why did white in the south feel as if they had won the election of 1876 even though the new president was a republican?

the democrats were able to control the southern states

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The democrats controlled both houses in 2006.

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limited government and personal liberties.

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Republican (they were actually democrats, but when political parties were first starting, democrats were called republicans and republicans were called federalists)...sorry if i confused you, but just say republican and you will be fine. ha

What demand did southern democrats make in the compromise of 1877?

To regain control of southern politics

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Free speech and gun-control supporting Democrats, unfortunately.

The formation of the was an outgrowth of the struggle for control of Kansas?

Whig party no this is the wrong answer it is the Republican Party "Since the Whigs and Democrats decided to stay out of this conflict, the Republican Party was formed out of the struggle for control of Kansas."

How did southern democrats try to regain control of southern states?

Following the presidential election of 1876, Southern Democrats were able to negotiate the end of Reconstruction with Republicans in Congress because the electoral college could not declare a clear winner, sending the decision to the House of Representatives. In order for the Republican candidate to win, the Republicans agreed to end Reconstruction in 1877.