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The repealed the act.

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Q: How did England respond to the Boston Tea Party?
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Related questions

What did the Sons Of Liberty do in respond to England's Tea Act?

They dumped the tea into the Boston harbor, thus the Boston Tea Party

How did England respond to the Boston tea?

The repealed the act.

How did the patriots respond to the Boston Tea Party?

they made a blockcade in the boston harbor

Was there a king in the Boston tea party?

No, what are you talking about? The Boston Tea Party was a rebellion of the colonists against England and their taxes.

Who war responsible for the Boston Tea Party?

The colonists were responsible for the Boston tea party.

Result of Boston Tea Party?

England did not tax us for the tea.

In which New England did the Boston Tea Party take place?


What was a colonial action to England's tax on cheaper tea?

Boston tea party

How did the British government respond to the tea party?

The British responded to the Boston Tea Party by making the Intolerable Acts which closed the Boston Ports and destroyed the Massachusetts government.

How did the sons of liberty respond to the Tea Act of 1773?

They peed on the government officials.

Why was the Boston tea party called a tea party?

It wasn't actually a tea party, it's just a cute nickname for when the American colonists dumped England's tea into Boston harbor to protest the taxes on it.

What was the Boston tea party called?

the boston tea party..........