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The French Revolution was a wakeup call to European monarchs who were shocked and appalled at what had happened in France. They feared this might encourage people in their countries to do the same. As a result, efforts were made to incorporate Enlightenment ideals in many countries.

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Douglas Hodkiewicz

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Q: How did European monarchs nobles feel about the french revolution?
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How did European monarch and nobles feel about the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was a wakeup call to European monarchs who were shocked and appalled at what had happened in France. They feared this might encourage people in their countries to do the same. As a result, efforts were made to incorporate Enlightenment ideals in many countries.

Who won the french revolution villagers or nobles?

nobles :D

What percentage of the population were the nobles during the french revolution?

Approximately 1.5% of the population of France was nobles during the French Revolution.

French nobles who fled France at the start of the French Revolution?


Are nobles against or for the king in the second estate of the French Revolution?

The Nobles were pro Monarchy.

What did Louis xiv dislike?

Nobles and French Revolution

Was King Louis XVI against the revolution?

Yes he was. The revolutionaries wanted a republic, but of course that was not possible as long as they had monarchs, and therefore were a monarchy. To truly be a republic, the revolutionaries needed to get rid of their monarchs. Since King Louis XVI was a monarch, he was therefore against this revolution.

Where did the nobles during the french revolution get their money from?

the nobles received their money from the taxes that the third estate paid.

What were the names of the nobles who left France during the French revolution?

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Which groups were in conflict during French Revolution?

It was the Third Estate against the nobles and the clergy.

What three groups form because of the french revolution?

nobles who belonged to first who b

Why did European rulers denounce the French Revolution?

Because they feared that the revolution would carry over to their countries.